I went to the local sports exchange and the salvation army store and picked up some ball gloves and balls for next to nothing.
We attended two baseball games in havana and saw some major league action. These guys are good! It gave me great pleasure to give the gloves and balls to some kids that were in the stands.
There are lots of good restarants and bars in havana, most with music at nite. There was no problem wandering around at day or nite.
You will run into alot of men with russian first names, which is to be expected! Vladimuir and Yori etc.
A good time is to go to the Floridita bar in havana. This was the place where Hemingway hung out and abused all who may enter the bar.
One of the biggest kicks I got was the American cars on the streets. It's like going back to 1959. As some one has already mentioned, alot of these cars have had power train transplants and are using Russian 4 cylinder diesels.
There is also a great number of motorcycles on the road. Most are small singles of undertermined brand and somehow they seem to get the whole family aboard and take to the streets. I hope you enjoy your visit as much as I did.