Hmm . . .
'Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man,' but only the scenes where there were actually motorcyles moving. The rest of the movie sucked.
'The World's fastest Indian.' I love Anthony Hopkins in anything he's been in, and this movie was intelligent all the way through. Great, innovative ways of showing motorcycles at speed believably.
'Timerider' was a cool movie. The effects of the modern contraption on those people of the past was often hilarious. The kicker ending was awesome.
'Never Say Never Again' had a cool chase scene in it, where James Bond (Sean Connery reprising his role after more than a few years) is on a black small bore rocket-bike chased by some psychotic killer chick in a Renault, I think, but I could be confusing two (or more) movies.
'The Long Way Round' featured actor Ewan MacGregor and his friend Charley Boorman as they rode two BMW GS's around the world. I thought the movie was interesting but the two riders (especially Charley) were always, in my mind, a bit out of their element. Charley was a pussy. ;o)
One of the 'Matrix' movies has an insane chase scene on a freeway involving a Ducati (much of it CG-enhanced).
'Faster' and 'Faster II' follow the motorcycle grand prix seasons from 2001 up through about 2004, when they switched from 2-strokes to the 990cc-max 4 stroke motogp format. Very in-depth, and had me riveted.
I'm also a big fan of 'On Any Sunday,' 'On Any Sunday Revisited,' and 'On Any Sunday - Motocross, Malcolm, and More.'