Yesterday I got up early and went to the reptile convention to retrieve some critters.
Went to Long John Silvers (since sunday I eat whatever the #$%* I want to compensate for the week)
Got 1 fish 1 chicken and some "lobster bites" ate the chicken, 1 hushpuppy, and the lobster things
and got up to check on the new additions and the dog helped himself to my #$%*ing food.
Rule #1, don't ever mess with a women's food.
So, after beating the dogs little hiney, I decided to go out and do a couple of cosmetic things
to the bike.
Still haven't heard from my friend on the filter thing.
So, kghost was so kind to provide me with a new speedometer housing.
My old one
The new one
This is the caliper I stole to use on my bike.
When I had the wires unplugged from the bucket, I decided, well, I've already come this far,
I may as well make my headlight pretty too.
Sanded, cleaned with paint prep stuff, primed
Needs another coat.
Took my nasty grody chipped ring and hit it with the nylon wheel Before
Hmmmm.... This should be the same scheme as my bike....... ahhh yes.
I will be painting the ring black (same as the badges)
and I'm going to look at paint colors tonight. I figure the thing is ready for paint,
I should just do it.
I was gonna leave it primer, but then I'd have to clear it, and honestly, it's
almost as bad as having a white bike, I've had to sand and re-prime the
tank like 3 times cause of handprints. I don't wanna have to keep doing that.
So, If i cannot contact my friend by END OF DAY today I am just going to order
a filter set up and get moving.
I gave myself a deadline that is very reachable and for once, It's not my fault.