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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #375 on: April 24, 2009, 10:46:42 AM »
4.9L 300ci I-6 FTW!!!!!!

Had an 82 F-100 with that and a 3 on the column. Bastard caught fire while running and was still running when the FD put it out.

Go with the matte red and gloss black pinstriping.... should look very sexiful.  :-*
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #376 on: April 24, 2009, 01:00:37 PM »
But where are you gonna put your red decal ;D  Keep on her ink....luder

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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #377 on: April 24, 2009, 01:06:09 PM »
I haven't decided yet luder. I could put it over my headlight and it'll be the beacon for my super hero alter ego.  Where ever it points, someone is in trouble, so I'll just keep going, and going, and going. Hopefully they fixed that whole "flat world" issue.  ::)
I was thinking about putting the wing on my car actually.  :D It depends on what color she ends up.
Wow. Not alot of room for graphics on a bike huh?
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #378 on: April 24, 2009, 01:41:40 PM »
super hero alter ego-I like that-no not much room fror decals at all, but thats ok. Been watching your build you will get her done probably before mine, talk later....luder ps I think Im gonna fire up the shovel and take a putt before beer thirty, 82 here in WI today ;)

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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #379 on: April 25, 2009, 07:49:56 AM »
Got my petcock rebuild kit thursday after work. Did some running around, pulled it all apart and cleaned and rebuilt it. It was disgusting. Crap was jamming up almost every passage on it. I honestly can't believe any gas got out of it at all.
I was poking around in one of the passages and noticed that the ID of one of the opening of a new gasket was way larger than the passage, so I poked it and a huge chunk of god knows what fell through the other side. So, cleaned  and cleaned and cleaned.  Got it to where all the passasges had a steady stream coming through them.
Couldn't figure out where this other o-ring went to, so I figured, "I paid $17.00 for this kit. I'm using every o-ring. look again." Figured out it went between the tank and petcock. Got it all back together and flipped my tank over to find that the leftover gas in the tank etched the fabric that I'd set the tank ons pattern into my primer.  :D I guess it's a good thing I hadn't finished bondo and priming yet. Sheesh.
Next week I'm getting my clutch, throttle cables and my shocks. Hopefully. I've got to go find a flasher for my bike, as mine do not flash.
My old ones just lit up too now that I think of it. I changed my turn signals to LEDs to get rid of the "bulk" and the rears won't do anything. The fronts light up but don't flash. So, I'm pretty sure I just need a flasher. Not sure about the rears. I'll figure it out when i get there. Isn't really all that much that could be preventing them from working.
Oh lets see here....... Tomorrow, (weather permitting) I've got to go pick up my snake from the babysitter and hopefully, strip the seat attachments off the frame and maybe finish the seat.
I'm thinking about chopping those bars off the back of my bike.  What did they do? hold the fender up? Hmmm. They were seriously getting in the way of my fiberglassing.
Alright well..... that's all for now. Once I have the seat done, (or close to it) I'll be refilling it with fresh gas, and synching my carbs. I can worry about the turn signals later.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #380 on: April 25, 2009, 07:58:15 AM »
that petcock issue could have been why your bike wouldn't run unless choked.
maybe part of it anyways.

I took the flasher out of my bike, and wired it together- cause I kept leaving it on... flashing.
so now I have to flick it back and forth with my thumb when I'm getting ready to turn.

works well for me, since my short term memory leaves much to be desired.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #381 on: April 25, 2009, 08:00:41 AM »
I don't mind doing that. Sooo... Just remove the flasher and wire them together?
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #382 on: April 25, 2009, 08:05:37 AM »
If I might offer a suggestion......

Have you epoxy primed your tank?

You may want to consider that for durabilitys sake.

The cloth leaving an imprint on the primer is not a good thing.

Course I realize that your going for the flat look....but paint is only as good as the prep and substrate.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #383 on: April 25, 2009, 08:09:32 AM »
yeah, I just pinched the connectors a little tighter with pliers, and used a 10 amp "blade" fuse.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #384 on: April 25, 2009, 08:31:51 AM »
I think I was pretty meticulous in prepping the tank. I didn't have any sort of primer sealer on it because I still have a low spot in my tank. I planned on going back at it this weekend. I just didn't expect to have to sand the whole thing down again.
I plan on using some type of chemical resistant sealer on it, but as I am rattle canning, i didn't consider epoxy primer. Perhaps you can tell me of a brand that has it in a spray can and I will look into it. I'm all for suggestions and ideas.

Edit. I didn't know that was you kghost, you changed your pic.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 08:54:36 AM by Inkscars »
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #385 on: April 25, 2009, 08:56:09 AM »
the flasher problem is that you're using LED lights and not an LED specific flasher... the load of the leds isn't enough to trigger your flasher. 

Be careful in the LED flasher you get, though, since some will just increase the load of the lights instead of just being more sensitive to voltage change.  I suppose it doesn't matter with your 750 charging system, but a 650 or 550 needs every bit of juice it can get.

...the trade off with the more sensitive flasher is that I guess (?) the little internal filiments are sensitive and can break.

...there you go. more than you ever needed to know about flashing. ;)
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #386 on: April 25, 2009, 09:00:54 AM »
Now, just when I thought all I had to do was pull my shirt up.

On a more serious note, do I need to get something special for the LED tailight I'm running?
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #387 on: April 25, 2009, 09:06:38 AM »
what tail light is it, I got mine from advance and its plug and play, all the resistors are built in, check out Iggys project happless build thread(I think that's where I posted it) I found links for all LED goodness in dennis kirks website but I will say this it was easier lookin throught their 889 page catalogue than using the sites search function. They even have power distribution modulators for low draw lights and that's one thing to have for leds ;), they have electric flashers for the leds too.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #388 on: April 25, 2009, 09:20:53 AM »
Well, It looks like I'm screwed. I know just below zero about electrical.
I about #$%* my pants when I tried to install an aftermarket stereo In my Corrado.
Well, seems like maybe I had no business thinking i could just put different lights on there.
That'll teach me. Hopefully i can talk someone into "helping" me with that crap for beer or money even. Gah.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #389 on: April 25, 2009, 09:24:55 AM »
I can't think of a single product that comes out of a rattle can I would recommend.

I use the Value Pro line from PPG.

I like the Epoxy primer. Seals great and you can't beat it off with a hammer.

Yeah I know some people rattle can...sorry that aint me.

Edit: Have you lined your tank yet? I have a primed tank hanging on the wall. Needs POR-15 treatment.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 09:29:44 AM by kghost »
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #390 on: April 25, 2009, 09:32:44 AM »
I wouldn't rattle can if I could provide a decent paint setup for myself. I could always take it to My mas house when I go up there next and use my step dads setup. but.....I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm probably gonna end up getting a scratch or ding along my journey of getting the hang of stopping and going.  ;D
The actual ride is not what concerns me. lol.
I know they say women prefer girth but i could end up on my side at a stop light at some point. Hopefully I'll remain relatively unscathed.  ;D
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #391 on: April 25, 2009, 09:36:40 AM »
Kghost, you can beat it off with a hammer, that is what we use on all our metal signs, Just kidding it is tuff stuff but if not prepped right it will come off in big 5x5in pieces  :P.
I now feel silly for the Iggy post I went back to find it, he is the king of links too by the way, his build thread rocks and should be made a sticky.
found the low draw module.;jsessionid=3S5VMZIS5OIMPLA0WTVSM4VMDK0NCIV0?store=Main&skuId=212934
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #392 on: April 25, 2009, 09:39:43 AM »
Will that run ALL of my LEDs? also, do i still need to get a flasher, or does that serve both purposes. As previously stated, I'm an electrical retard.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #393 on: April 25, 2009, 10:06:50 AM »
Kghost, you can beat it off with a hammer, that is what we use on all our metal signs, Just kidding it is tuff stuff but if not prepped right it will come off in big 5x5in pieces  :P.

Yeah and the stuff has a 6 Month shelf life. Store it too long and it will never harden up right.

Inks....Guess you missed the part where I was offering ya a tank  :D

Occasionally.....very fricken occasionally...I do a tank for someone. Jrrobertsjr was the last one I did.

Only because the first tank he had painted by someone else leaked.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #394 on: April 25, 2009, 10:11:54 AM »
A tank? What the hell, do I have selective reading? I'm going to look for it right now.

Edit: I didn't realize that was an offer. Does it look like my tank?
How much do you get for something like that and wtf is POR-15 treatment?!
Crikey I'm full of questions.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 10:15:01 AM by Inkscars »
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #395 on: April 25, 2009, 11:33:17 AM »
danke.  I thought you only needed the low draw switch for turn signals, but the brakes would actuate just fine?
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #396 on: April 25, 2009, 12:22:55 PM »
A tank? What the hell, do I have selective reading? I'm going to look for it right now.

Edit: I didn't realize that was an offer. Does it look like my tank?
How much do you get for something like that and wtf is POR-15 treatment?!
Crikey I'm full of questions.

Yeah I believe its like your got another one didn't you?

An earlier K one from the looks of your Avatar.

Think the one I have primered and hanging is a 74 K

POR-15 is what I recommend (and most folks here) for sealing tanks against rust.

The tanks are horrible about rusting out at the seams....they get pinholes then your screwed.

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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #397 on: April 27, 2009, 06:48:56 AM »
Ok, yesterday, went out and worked for a couple hours.
I feel like I backtracked.
Sanded some off the tank to try and find my low spot. Couldn't. Sanded the bondo with a smoother grit to try and make it.....well smoother.
Cut a bunch of #$%* off. Hopefully I don't regret it.  :D
Ground the helmet holders/ seat mount crap off.  Cut off those very most rear tubes on either side of the tire I plan on capping it off or something. Ground it smooth, primed the spots. I'll paint the frame later, maybe just rattle can some touch up paint.
Trimmed the seat. Pan looks good, still upset about the hump. Considering using my 2 days off this week to correct the seat issue by just making another one. Utilizing the 2nd method I had talked about. Got more resin, and cloth. Have some mat laying around. I'll use the mat for added strength in the pan. Started measuring out the fabric, I'll wait to install the rivets until The new seat is done. Let's see..... Shocks, and cables coming next week.
Saw an old friend of mine (know since i was 14) at quik trip. He's running some sort of bike shop nowadays, full custom jobs. Has vacuum gauges and expertise in the electrical dept. Soooooooo
I won't be riding this week, but I should be really close by this time next week. yessssss

« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 11:02:24 AM by Inkscars »
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #398 on: April 27, 2009, 09:27:04 AM »
Ink, check out fiberglass mold cloth, bada$$ stuff.
Saw it here on powerblock last weekend, that show is very addicting.
They show a walk thru on doing fiberglassing with the mold cloth, I have seen it a few times and looks much easier than what I have done and what I grew up watching my dad do.

It starts at 5 minutes in, enjoy.
You'll have to watch the whole show, the guys get cheezy sometimes but the info is good to know.
I miss Lou, he put on a better show than Rick Bacon does.
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Re: My project thus far. "Elsa"
« Reply #399 on: April 27, 2009, 11:09:12 AM »
Pictures from yesterday.

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