Queens of the Stone Age.
I will not defend my decisions! 
I'll say this about QOTSA, they have some tunes that make make me drive very fast and convince me that I'm the fu*#in man. If anyone knows what I mean, great. If not, oh well

. Go with the flow will always be an amazing tune to me, in fact most of Songs for the Deaf is amazing. Anyone remember the Go with the Flow video? One of the raddest/sexiest left my jaw on the ground videos ever....(at least when I saw it for the first time 6 or 7 years ago).....I still think it's rad though.
http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-5694625063031198377&hl=en&fs=trueI'm sure someone else here has heard QOTSA's first, self titled debut. I think it's the only album they've put out that's not on Interscope. That album is gold........gold. Check it out if you dig QOTSA at all. Rated R was ok, the 1st half of lullabies was good and Vulgaris I didn't really listen to. And that is all.