Hey all,
I was admiring many of your bikes, without realizing that they belonged to members on the forum! The thought had crossed my mind, but there were so many bikes and so many people... I liked the Norton style 'Cafe' decal on that black tank, and FunJimmy, that 550F is flat out amazing. 754 gave me your cell #, but I didn't feel comfortable just randomly calling somebody. Besides, I was busy trying to scoop up parts to get my bike back on the road as quickly as possible.
754, I'm willing to bet I'm the member you met, but didn't know by name. Irish rugby jersey, and armloads of CB parts?
I managed to come away with a 550F tank, a set of 400F handlebars & switches, a grab bar that I thought would fit but is way too long, and a 2.15x18" DID aluminum rim and hub--hopefully I can find a matching 1.85x19 for the front (that is the correct size for the bike, isn't it?).
The guy with the 400F bars offered me the front wheel complete with disc, speedo drive, and cable. If I had been thinking, I would have taken it for the speedo drive so I could run an 18" up front. Maybe the 350F one I have will fit... if not, there's always next year!
I did pick up some info about a DIY sand/soda blasting place out in Langley that I'll definitely be taking the frame to, once I've finished writing my undergrad thesis this week.
In all I enjoyed myself, and I look forward to (hopefully) meeting some of you before next years'!