Hmmm... I think, now, that my earlier answer may have been a bit smart-a$$ed.
Anyway, if you don't use / can't justify the cell phone, by all means, drop it! I'd also agree with others in getting the pre-paid kind to keep around for 'emergency' use. I have to say, it's a great lifeline / back-up kind of thing, and I'm not one to dump a useful technology. But, having it just to stay 'connected'? Nahh, I don't need that either.
As for the 'net, hmm..... I'll agree that occasionally, I'll spend too much time surfing the forums, etc. Occasionally, I'll get to the end of the day and think 'hmmm..., I should've spent that hour working on the bike (or whatever task I neglected...)'. But, it's kind of like overeating or watching the TV - it's all up to YOU! YOU can choose to turn it off. It (whatever technology you like - Net, TV, etc) can be a time pirate only if YOU let it.
That being said, if you don't have the willpower to resist, by all means, get rid of the temptation. Kinda like cookies - if they're in the house, I'll eat 'em all. And my belt just keeps growing... So, now, I just don't keep 'em in the house, because I KNOW I can't resist. If you find the Internet (or TV or ??) being like that, by all means, don't keep it!
Whichever way you go, I DO admire you for thinking it thru and making it a conscious choice, rather than just going along and going along and wondering why you're unhappy... A little more critical thinking and introspection wouldn't go amiss in today's world, IMHO.