Author Topic: klr250 front brake drags when warm out  (Read 834 times)

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Offline ger87410

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klr250 front brake drags when warm out
« on: March 05, 2009, 07:08:15 AM »
It's fine in the morning, but in the evening the brake drags BAD.  It's almost as if the fluid is expanding with nowhere to go.

The line has been bled and the caliper cleaned.

I don't think it's the master cylinder because opening the bleed valve doesn't make the dragging stop.  Only prying the brakes apart works and then it's fine the rest of the ride.

Anyone have any ideas?


Offline ger87410

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Re: klr250 front brake drags when warm out
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2009, 10:24:11 AM »
I think I found the solution to my problem on another website.  Here's the quote:

Jim, if you put a new caliper on and the mounting system is all okay, then you have a blocked bleed port in the master cylinder... not surprising after 23 years.

Remove the master cylinder and clean the reservoir especially at the bottom where all the crud collects. Towards the front of the cylinder (hose end) you should see two ports that supply fluid the the cylinder and the forward one is to bleed back the trapped fluid when the plunger is released. I would really recommend disassembly of the master cylinder, installing a fresh kit after you have inspected and cleaned the old cylinder body thoroughly.

The caliper mount should have some sliding pins that allow the caliper to center itself over the disc. Be sure that it can move back and forth, as a final check.

Bill Silver

Offline ger87410

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Re: klr250 front brake drags when warm out
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 08:55:43 AM »
Problem solved.

There was a strange tanish film in the reservoir.  Cleaning and blowing out with air solved the problem.