Impossible,...... for me to narrow down to one movie.
The Yellow Sky with Gregory Peck comes to mind. Made about 20 years before (1948?)
The Wild Bunch with William Holden, this was a western showing dirty, grungy cowboys when all other movies were filled with sanitized DrugStore Cowboys sparkling clean all the time. Love the scenes of them crossing the harsh desert, dying on their feet.
Another favorite, on the other far end of the spectrum,
Blade Runner, now scary as heck because genetic manipulation is in fact here. Great photography, with the use of such heavy light and dark scenes with color film. Not an easy job to do; was much easier to create moods like that with black and white film. Synthesized music from Vangelis sets the mood perfectly
One with David Niven, about a pilot from WWII, who dies(?) on an operating table.
A Matter Of Life and Death, sometimes called
Stairway To Heaven. Love the doctor who rides what may be a Triumph motorcycle. He also has a telescope for watching stars and planets; he sometimes uses it on neighbors to see what they're up to

Great story.
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~