Well, guys, I thought the "knocked up" subject was all about you being PREGNANT!!!!! LOL!!! My dear hubby says in england they off full service at the hotels " don't worry, we'll come knock you up in the morning" which means you will get a wake up call! (weird!)
So sorry for your "Owwies" and hope you can get back on the horse (750) soon. And if you were going 70 MPH-you wouldn't be writing on this forum!!!
Having done a strange fall about 2 months ago, (no one else involved..see "bronco bike bucks me off" thread, I can really appreciate that you have a brain bucket! ) I am also clueless about what happened! I'm also convinced my helmet saved my LIFE!
Anyway, get a TOP NOTCH - HIGHEST RATED attorney IMMEDIATELY, talk to NO one except Him/her -
there is a Lawyer rating company named "Martendale-Hubble" that rates attorneys. It may be on-line, but we went to the Library and they knew just what book to pull out. Look for the attorney that has the HIGHEST RATING AND WHO HAS WON THE TOP $$$$ IN THE COUNTY - HE HAS DEEP POCKETS and knows the GAME!!! MOST Good attorneys will take your case on "contingency" which means they ONLY make money if they WIN the case!
I knows whereas I speak: I was involved in an awful wreck in 1991-17 years old kid hit me in California going at LEAST 58 MILES AN HOUR, when I was AT A DEAD STOP to let a pedestrian cross Hwy 1. Knocked my car over 100 feet-with my brakes LOCKED! WE got the BEST-attorney in the County-He had the LARGEST injury award in the County EVER. - The 17 year olds insurance followed me for 3 month-daily photos, got all my medical, interviewed my neighbors, searched my TRASH, etc. etc. etc.even interviewed my pastor! - BUT my attorney had prepared me on what to expect.
AMD my attorney held my hand throught the entire case, was ALWAYs available for my calls, and got me the MAXIMUM settlement. BECAUSE I had hired the BIG GUN- the kids insurance company folded BEFORE the trial! YES, he took 40% - but I STILL got enough to put 3 kids through 2 years of college!
People don't realize that when you need an attorney-there is NO SUBSTITUTE for the VERY BEST!
So get someone to help you find the top attorney in the county the accident happened - by the time he/she supeanos (sp??) the kid and takes the deposition - the kid will be sh*tting his pants! 17 year olds will lie to their parents, but usually fold under deposition and trip themselves up!
Keep us posted-hope you feel much better soon..
REST-the head injury may take 3-4 months to manifest the injury-at about 30 -45 days I got really "DUMB" because my Seratonin uptake went to ZERO! This is a simple chemical problem and can be found with testing. You may need a "neurologist" and they will give you lots of tests-my short term memory was toast. I had to put yellow post it notes to keep track of where my kids were-and worried that I would take one someplace (soccer, baseball, dance) and FORGET where they were! Also lost all ability to cook!
It may take you 3-4 years to learn to compensate for the "dumb" decisions you tend to make. Don't worry-your brain is relearning and retraining itself every day. Don't let my info scare you, I eventually opened a business, built it up, sold it in 6 years and retired - and that was working at about 80% of ability that I had BEFORE the accident.
Remember, one day at a time and I'm really sorry your thumbs hurt-I have athritis, and know the pain-in fact I've got to change my handlebars before next riding season- they are just killing me!