Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

Diamond chain part number & source.

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Got my "Diamond" chain today from!  wahoo! 


--- Quote from: GammaFlat on March 27, 2009, 03:18:03 PM ---Got my "Diamond" chain today from!  wahoo! 

--- End quote ---

I gotta go see those guys, maybe next Friday when I'm off.

Got my chain today as well.
Unfortunately I was not as lucky ordering from Babbitts >:(
I ordered a 17 tooth front sprocket and a 48 tooth Honda rear sprocket for my 76 cb750K,
have waited 10 days and yesterday one sprocket showed up (the 17 tooth front sprocket)
I was charged for both of them and was never contacted to let me know that the 48 tooth rear had been discontinued. So I paid 16$ shipping for a 31$ part. I called them and got a refund for the 48 tooth sprocket.
 Anyone know where I can get the Honda 48 tooth rear sprocket for my 76 cb750k?

If you absolutely cant find one stateside, I may be able to help. (not the fast solution)

 You could try used, often they are pretty good, take a chunk of chain to check if needed.

If it is a discontinued part, it may be time to stir up my machine shop friends who are full of lightly-used CNC equipment these days. I'll have to ask them what it might cost to run 1000 sprockets at the Honda spec, which no one else ever seemed to catch onto.   ::)


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