Old mechanics trick is to use a short piece of small ID fuel hose (the fits tightly over the threaded plug terminal) as a spark plug thread starter. It's flexible enough to get into tight places and by twisting the hose between thumb and forefinger, you get an excellent feel for when the plug is properly threaded. A bolt plug in the end you twist firms up the hose and makes it easier to turn.
Just popping the spark plug and socket into the hole and then turning with a ratchet is a great way to cross-thread the plug. At the very least, turn the socket with you hand, not a ratchet, to start the plug and always hand turn it as far as you can before using the ratchet. If the threads are reasonably clean, you should be able to get hand-turn the plug nearly all the way in.
The plug socket in the toolkit is about the best tool for this job, although it doesn't readily adapt to a torque wrench. But I'm pretty much old-school anyway and torque plugs by hand. After a while you develop a good feel for when the crush washer fully crushes - torque builds rapidly.
- Mark