I've been to the forum before but just joined. I just returned from Iraq after one year and am ready to get serious about reconditioning my 1976 CB400f. I'm the 4th owner of her (after 2 brothers and their uncle in Tennessee nutured her) and it's already in immaculate shape with only a few minor electrical issues to deal with. My first order of business after acquiring her 2 years ago was to replace the original tires, sprockets, and chain (there are only 10k miles on the odometer). Fortunately, the only rust is a tiny speck on the bottom of the muffler just behind the collar, the red tank is still original, and all the chrome is in great shape. Right now it's in pieces in my garage, but once together I'll post some pics. Once I get this nusiance starter problem worked out, we'll be back on the road (starter button only engages starter about once out of twenty tries). Thanks for a great format and I'm looking forward to browsing the galleries.