Ist off let me fill you in a bit of history I've recently bought my 76 CB750 which had been sitting is a dry storage facility for at least 10 yrs,
I've checked out the engine is free and turns over, new battery installed cleaned fuse holders and installed new fuses, cleaned out gas tank, replaced fuel filter. spark plugs
Problem is i have no ign, or lights, When i hook up new battery, one flasher left rear comes on and dash lights come on. Other than that i have nothing. I can however get the engine to crank after jumping the starter solenoid
(so my ign switch, wiring, starter switch or solenoid may be no good)
I'm planning on installing new points plug wires after i make shure i have spark etc
anything you can recommend i check or is there any common problem i may be missing
Im shure someone may have had similar issues. Is there a fusible link anywhere other than the 3 fuses behined left side cover?
I'm trying to get the IGN Cranking problem done 1st before i go onto one of the many other things needing to be done.
thanx in advance
Jimmy O