I find it far more likely that those who wish us to believe humankind is at fault, stand something to gain in fostering this belief
You think.!! i could say exactly the same thing about those that want to keep things the same. They have more to gain by ignoring the facts because they are the ones benefiting from selling all the coal and other products that are polluting our planet.
You mean they shouldn't continue to sell energy at a cheaper rate than all other forms of energy? Do I hear "the people must pay more for their sins" mantra?
Actually TT i am very surprised that this is the way you think, i thought you were an intelligent man.
You want to trade insults? What does your statement do to your credibility, thinking I'm an intelligent man? Either you've just proven yourself wrong (again?), or have demonstrated a serious lack of judgment, right?

I would like you to tell me what is going to eventually happen to us all as a species if we pollute to the extent that have to look through "Tokyo" skies to see the light. So is it your belief that what we are doing will have no effect on our climate at all?
No, not much when compared to volcano eruptions. The last Volcano eruption in the Philippines lowered the earths temperature by one degree. But as to what happens to the species? We will likely legislate ourselves in to slavery/ poverty. If we aren't hit by a Huge meteor that change our climate so few if any survive. Or, atlas will shrug
oh, and another thing, current warming is happening at a faster rate now than ever before,
Flashy statement. But, where is the proof of that? As I stated, there are only records for the last 200 years of earth's 4.5 million year history. When scientists have determined that glacial cycles occur on 40,000-100,000 intervals, how can you be so arrogant to assume humans are SOOOO powerful (evil?) that they can change these naturally occurring temperature changing cycles within a few human lifetimes?
would you like to also explain that or is that just a glitch in nature.
I'm saying that the earth's temperature has varied by a far greater amount than what we have experience in our short recorded history and the existence of homo-sapiens on this planet. Take a look at a map of the United States. Notice the large bodies of water near the center of the continent. We call these the Great lakes. There are many of them. They were all formed by huge glaciers in past earths history. Where are they now? They all melted from global warming. They "receded" up through Canada and into the arctic. Can you imagine what the temps were like at the equator when glaciers stuck around near the 40th parallel? Who do you think was to blame for THAT global warming cycle 15000 years ago, The Liberal Party of Australia or perhaps US Republicans?

http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/student/damery1/gl_form.htmlWe will all be dead when our future generations are left to clean up the mess and hopefully it won't be too late.
Wow! The propaganda machine must be rife where you live. Ready to pay up Mick? You got that Prius? Recycle your coffee grounds? Darn your socks, or replace with ones made of recycled materials? Gonna turn in that polluting SOHC4 for a new($) one that is far "greener"?

But really, why do you think the earth's climate will remain stable for the next 100,000 years, when there is ample evidence that it has changed dramatically, all on its own, in the past?
In Australia our climate patterns have been generally the same {definitely with fluctuations}, but over the last ten years it has all started to dramatically change, our temps have gone up on average 2-3 degrees which doesn't sound like much but when some places were getting temps in the high 40's {celcius} and are now well into the 50's i just hope it is a cycle, but you can't just keep pumping sh1t into the air and hope it all just disappears.
Seems like a myopic viewpoint and astounding arrogance, by assuming that the earth's climate was and always will be the same as it has been in the last 1000 years. A couple of big volcanos would cool it off in a hurry (geologically speaking). A really big one could deplete the human population globally as it did in the 1400s.
The biggest carbon sink on the planet is the oceans and they are becoming more acidic at an alarming rate and this and the warmer waters are decimating our great barrier reef, it is just dying, the biggest most diverse reef on the planet is just giving up as it can't compete with change that fast.
You are aware of submarine volcanic activity putting tons of sulfur dioxides (acidity) into the water, right?
That huge chunk of ice i mentioned earlier is a lot bigger than half the worlds countries and if it melted in its entirety would by itself raise sea levels enough to flood most of coastal Australia not to mention places like New Orleans and New York {1 meter above sea level}
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080120160720.htmWhich gives evidence of volcanic activity under the antarctic glaciers.
"Heat from the volcano creates melt-water that lubricates the base of the ice sheet and increases the flow towards the sea."
Do you think those land masses that you now hold dear were always above sea level? Much of the US continent has fossilized remains of marine life. I didn't think snails and marine fish could travel overland 1000 miles.
Just remember our past folks as we have a habit of ignoring good advice until something major happens,
We also have the habit of heeding bad advice and creating an even worse situation.
if this is the case we could be in a lot of trouble.
And, >> IF<< it is not the case we may or may not be in trouble, too.
This is all i will add to this debate but there are thousands of scientists world wide that are sounding the warning bells, look some of them up they are not "crack pots".
Those scientists do all need grants or some kind of benefactor to continue working. Follow the money. They are not all altruistic.
There are also thousands of scientists that are scoffing at the "warning bells" being rung by people running around waving their arms in the air espousing doom without concrete facts or realistic assumptions.
Believe what you will but if we keep up polluting at the rate we currently are it has to be blatantly obvious that something drastic will happen.
To some, it is blatantly obvious that God exists, even though it can't be proven scientifically. You are free (I hope) to chose a religion that suits you. But, given earth's past history, it is inevitable that "something drastic will happen". In the past, huge land masses that were submerged are now exposed. The Sahara Desert was once lush and populated.
http://www.livescience.com/history/060720_sahara_rains.htmlLast year, I saw TV documentary about Volcanic activity history. Among the presentations was evidence that Europe as well as the rest of the world suffered a year or two long period of cold and loss of sunlight, that caused crop failure, famine, unrest, and wars in the 1400s. This had the effect of reducing large numbers of the human population. They linked these events to historical accounts in asian countries describing volcanic events, and then evidence of a huge volcano that darkened the sky of the entire world. I did a brief internet search, but couldn't find a proper reference. Might have been a Nova program or some special on the History channel. Dunno. 'Twas and interesting show, though.