Author Topic: Dangers of Global Warming.  (Read 13512 times)

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Offline Ecosse

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Dangers of Global Warming.
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:36:55 PM »
Oh the humanity!

In the 70's the chicken littles were warning of another ice age. Just figured I'd toss that in.
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Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 12:49:35 PM »
Wow, Fox is still using the "Fair and balanced" newsline, funny.
Yeah, nobody wants to mention that over the last 30 or so years the sunlight reaching the earth's surface has dimmed by about 20%.
This whole global warming baloney is fun to watch until the global warming taxes start arriving.  >:(
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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 12:59:24 PM »
Wow, Fox is still using the "Fair and balanced" newsline, funny.
Yeah, nobody wants to mention that over the last 30 or so years the sunlight reaching the earth's surface has dimmed by about 20%.
This whole global warming baloney is fun to watch until the global warming taxes start arriving.  >:(

I think there likely is warming. How much is us is debatable. The Earth has a natural cycle of warm/cold trends.

I'm all for prudent steps to be cleaner than we are but the hype is insulting as is the PC demonizing of anyone who descents. 
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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 03:49:21 PM »
Come down under and you will see some of the results of global warming, also a 14000 square kilometer chunk has just broken away from Antarctica, it has walls 200 feet thick on the surface, lots more under the water, this piece alone if completely melted would see ocean levels rise quite a bit. If you don't believe the planet is warming use google earth and have a good look at most of the worlds glaciers, they are either gone or shrinking rapidly. This year our christmas king tides were definately bigger than previous years and were coming up over some roads, this usually only happens when we have a cyclone. I also saw a story on our smaller pacific neighbours and some of them will have NO island left to live on in the next ten years, they have already lost half the land on some islands. These are fact not fiction.

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Offline Ecosse

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 04:05:44 PM »
If your post is directed at me I'd suggest re-reading my comments.

Otherwise, I have read about what's happening Down Under, and elsewhere, and it's unsettling for sure.
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2009, 04:12:54 PM »
Heard about a PBS broadcast coming up about the disappearance of glaciers. Interested also in the technical details of how they went about getting the time lapse pics over such long periods. It seems they used Nikons that, no doubt housed, withstood -40F temps and winds in excess of 150 mph at times powered by solar panels and batts.
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2009, 04:24:58 PM »
If your post is directed at me I'd suggest re-reading my comments.
No finger pointing Ecosse, i was just adding this as i read a survey recently that said "most" Americans thought that global warming was a fallacy, so i was just saying what is happening in our neck of the woods. Australia is basically a "coastal community", most of our population is only about 1 meter {just over a yard} above sea level, and also the recent bushfires came in the middle of our hottest period in our recorded history, and in Queensland, we had our worst storm season in a long time. Something is happening and its not good. The main reason for my comments is i was surprised tosee this topic in the "humour" section....No offense intended.

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Offline Ecosse

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 04:44:20 PM »
You hit an interesting point: when I talk with people here it seems almost everyone either sides with real or fallacy. I think that's strange as if there's no more sophisticated way of seeing the issue. They're thrown off when I reply with the opinion I made above. Too many people want to be spoon fed a position that supports their preconceived ideology.

I'm sorry if I came off snooty. And as for this being in the humor section I meant the seemingly ironic situation those researchers were in.

I believe something's up with the environment; how much is us I believe is debatable and I have no patience for the hype of special interests and the media. I also find humor when humans take them selves too seriously- being a type A person I have to laugh at myself sometimes too.  ;D
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Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2009, 06:48:33 PM »
No doubt, the earth is in a natural warming epoch. We are within the temperature norms throughout history according to ice core records. Like Ecosse said, how much human beings are responsible is very debatable.
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2009, 06:53:42 PM »
The "Global warming" statement implies that the earths temperature is rising above normal levels.
How are normal levels defined?  Only those within your lifetime?

Given the earth is 4.5 Billion years old,  the beginning of recored history is about 5000 years old, and most official weather records are about 200 years old, how can we define "normal" with such a small sample base?

Further, scientist generally agree that the earth has had several "Ice ages" and we are currently within the latest.  See:

"While an ice sheet on Antarctica began to grow some 20 million years ago, the current ice age is said to have started about 2.58 million years ago. During the late Pliocene the spread of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere began. Since then, the world has seen cycles of glaciation with ice sheets advancing and retreating on 40,000- and 100,000-year time scales called glacials (glacial advance) and interglacials (glacial retreat). The earth is currently in an interglacial, and the last glacial period ended about 10,000 years ago. All that remains of the continental ice sheets are the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets."

If the earths temperature cycle is on 40,000, or 100,000 year cycles.  Just what relevance is the last 200 years of recorded history?

While I may be inclined to believe we are on a "Global Warming" cycle, what galls me is that there are those that believe the human population is the cause, even though the earths temperature has been cycling well beyond current recorded history.
I find it far more likely that those who wish us to believe humankind is at fault, stand something to gain in fostering this belief, wherein; the masses, either willingly or unwillingly will be forced to give something up "for the greater good", generally centered on monetary "donations" of some kind.

The ones that find humor in this, are the ones laughing all the way to the bank.     ;) :D


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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2009, 07:05:30 PM »
Here is the reality.  Take a bottle and add some sugar, water and yeast.  Put a cap on that bottle, shake it up and let it sit somewhere warm.
What happens is the following, put in simple terms:  Yeast eat the sugar, reproduce themselves and poop alcohol.  After a while the yeast start to die off because they have eaten all of the sugar and now they are living in a bottle of poop.  The cap is still firmly attached so there is no where to go.  They all die because they overpopulated the bottle and ate all the sugar while pooping.  This is happening slowly but surely to the earth.  The human population is yet another "master" species that will become fossils for the next species to find in a few million years.  It's all going to happen according to the natural cycle of things.  It's best that we leave a legacy of aluminum and stainless steel that we can be remembered by, assuming that the next benefactors of earth will have museums.  If you think that a sand cast is expensive now, wait until the next epoch. 
Unless, of course, Jesus or Allah or Buddha can save us.
That is all.
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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2009, 07:11:43 PM »
What have I wrought? Hope this doesn't become an overheated discussion causing people to give others the cold shoulder. Sounded funnier in my head.

*Ecosse quietly tip toes away*

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Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2009, 07:24:00 PM »
Unless we can master the energy necessary (without destroying ourselves) to harness the power of stars and populate other planets. You think we are doomed to existence on this planet alone? Even I am not that pessimistic about our chances of survival over time. Eventually we will exhaust the resources of this planet, given a long enough time period.
If we can become a class 2 civilization without destroying ourselves I think we will succeed.

"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2009, 07:48:33 PM »
I find it far more likely that those who wish us to believe humankind is at fault, stand something to gain in fostering this belief
You think.!! i could say exactly the same thing about those that want to keep things the same. They have more to gain by ignoring the facts because they are the ones benefiting from selling all the coal and other products that are polluting our planet. Actually TT i am very surprised that this is the way you think, i thought you were an intelligent man. I would like you to tell me what is going to eventually happen to us all as a species if we pollute to the extent that have to look through "Tokyo" skies to see the light. So is it your belief that what we are doing will have no effect on our climate at all? Come on mate, it doesn't take rocket science to work out that pollution is having an adverse effect on our way of living, oh, and another thing, current warming is happening at a faster rate now than ever before, would you like to also explain that or is that just a glitch in nature. We will all be dead when our future generations are left to clean up the mess and hopefully it won't be too late.
In Australia our climate patterns have been generally the same {definitely with fluctuations}, but over the last ten years it has all started to dramatically change, our temps have gone up on average 2-3 degrees which doesn't sound like much but when some places were getting temps in the high 40's {celcius} and are now well into the 50's i just hope it is a cycle, but you can't just keep pumping sh1t into the air and hope it all just disappears. The biggest carbon sink on the planet is the oceans and they are becoming more acidic at an alarming rate and this and the warmer waters are decimating our great barrier reef, it is just dying, the biggest most diverse reef on the planet is just giving up as it can't compete with change that fast. That huge chunk of ice i mentioned earlier is a lot bigger than half the worlds countries and if it melted in its entirety would by itself raise sea levels enough to flood most of coastal Australia not to mention places like New Orleans and New York {1 meter above sea level} Just remember our past folks as we have a habit of ignoring good advice until something major happens, if this is the case we could be in a lot of trouble. This is all i will add to this debate but there are thousands of scientists world wide that are sounding the warning bells, look some of them up they are not "crack pots". Believe what you will but if we keep up polluting at the rate we currently are it has to be blatantly obvious that something drastic will happen.

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2009, 08:36:18 PM »
Could we as a whole be developing energy in a more green way? You bet we could.
Is man's pollution the cause of this thing called "global warming"? That is debatable, I could show you peer supported data on both sides of the global warming issue.
The real question is why are we not producing energy in a more green way? We are beginning to develop the technology to do so in a cost-efficient fashion.
All forms of life on this planet derive their life energies from the sun, we are all solar beings.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2009, 10:41:18 PM »
Ive never understood this theory of icebergs melting and raising sea level.
Achimedes sez that anything that floats disperses its own weight so if a berg is floating it has already dispersed the amount of water it contains so when it melts it will be the same
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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2009, 12:58:42 AM »
I find it far more likely that those who wish us to believe humankind is at fault, stand something to gain in fostering this belief
You think.!! i could say exactly the same thing about those that want to keep things the same. They have more to gain by ignoring the facts because they are the ones benefiting from selling all the coal and other products that are polluting our planet.
You mean they shouldn't continue to sell energy at a cheaper rate than all other forms of energy?  Do I hear "the people must pay more for their sins" mantra?

Actually TT i am very surprised that this is the way you think, i thought you were an intelligent man.
You want to trade insults?  What does your statement do to your credibility, thinking I'm an intelligent man?  Either you've just proven yourself wrong (again?), or have demonstrated a serious lack of judgment, right? ;D

I would like you to tell me what is going to eventually happen to us all as a species if we pollute to the extent that have to look through "Tokyo" skies to see the light. So is it your belief that what we are doing will have no effect on our climate at all? 
No, not much when compared to volcano eruptions.  The last Volcano eruption in the Philippines lowered the earths temperature by one degree.  But as to what happens to the species?  We will likely legislate ourselves in to slavery/ poverty. If we aren't hit by a Huge meteor that change our climate so few if any survive.  Or, atlas will shrug

oh, and another thing, current warming is happening at a faster rate now than ever before,
Flashy statement.   But, where is the proof of that?  As I stated, there are only records for the last 200 years of earth's 4.5 million year history.  When scientists have determined that glacial cycles occur on 40,000-100,000 intervals, how can you be so arrogant to assume humans are SOOOO powerful (evil?) that they can change these naturally occurring temperature changing cycles within a few human lifetimes?

would you like to also explain that or is that just a glitch in nature.
I'm saying that the earth's temperature has varied by a far greater amount than what we have experience in our short recorded history and the existence of homo-sapiens on this planet.    Take a look at a map of the United States.  Notice the large bodies of water near the center of the continent.  We call these the Great lakes.  There are many of them.  They were all formed by huge glaciers in past earths history.  Where are they now?  They all melted from global warming.  They "receded" up through Canada and into the arctic.  Can you imagine what the temps were like at the equator when glaciers stuck around near the 40th parallel?  Who do you think was to blame for THAT global warming cycle 15000 years ago, The Liberal Party of Australia or perhaps US Republicans?  ;D

We will all be dead when our future generations are left to clean up the mess and hopefully it won't be too late.
Wow!  The propaganda machine must be rife where you live.  Ready to pay up Mick?  You got that Prius?  Recycle your coffee grounds?  Darn your socks, or replace with ones made of recycled materials?  Gonna turn in that polluting SOHC4 for a new($) one that is far "greener"?   ;D

But really, why do you think the earth's climate will remain stable for the next 100,000 years, when there is ample evidence that it has changed dramatically, all on its own, in the past?

In Australia our climate patterns have been generally the same {definitely with fluctuations}, but over the last ten years it has all started to dramatically change, our temps have gone up on average 2-3 degrees which doesn't sound like much but when some places were getting temps in the high 40's {celcius} and are now well into the 50's i just hope it is a cycle, but you can't just keep pumping sh1t into the air and hope it all just disappears.

Seems like a myopic viewpoint and astounding arrogance, by assuming that the earth's climate was and always will be the same as it has been in the last 1000 years.  A couple of big volcanos would cool it off in a hurry (geologically speaking).  A really big one could deplete the human population globally as it did in the 1400s.

The biggest carbon sink on the planet is the oceans and they are becoming more acidic at an alarming rate and this and the warmer waters are decimating our great barrier reef, it is just dying, the biggest most diverse reef on the planet is just giving up as it can't compete with change that fast.
You are aware of submarine volcanic activity putting tons of sulfur dioxides (acidity) into the water, right?

That huge chunk of ice i mentioned earlier is a lot bigger than half the worlds countries and if it melted in its entirety would by itself raise sea levels enough to flood most of coastal Australia not to mention places like New Orleans and New York {1 meter above sea level}
Which gives evidence of volcanic activity under the antarctic glaciers.
"Heat from the volcano creates melt-water that lubricates the base of the ice sheet and increases the flow towards the sea."

Do you think those land masses that you now hold dear were always above sea level?  Much of the US continent has fossilized remains of marine life.  I didn't think snails and marine fish could travel overland 1000 miles.

Just remember our past folks as we have a habit of ignoring good advice until something major happens,
We also have the habit of heeding bad advice and creating an even worse situation.

if this is the case we could be in a lot of trouble.
And, >> IF<< it is not the case we may or may not be in trouble, too.

This is all i will add to this debate but there are thousands of scientists world wide that are sounding the warning bells, look some of them up they are not "crack pots".
Those scientists do all need grants or some kind of benefactor to continue working.  Follow the money.  They are not all altruistic.
There are also thousands of scientists that are scoffing at the "warning bells" being rung by people running around waving their arms in the air espousing doom without concrete facts or realistic assumptions.

Believe what you will but if we keep up polluting at the rate we currently are it has to be blatantly obvious that something drastic will happen.
To some, it is blatantly obvious that God exists, even though it can't be proven scientifically.  You are free (I hope) to chose a religion that suits you.  But, given earth's past history, it is inevitable that "something drastic will happen".  In the past, huge land masses that were submerged are now exposed.  The Sahara Desert was once lush and populated.

Last year, I saw TV documentary about Volcanic activity history.  Among the presentations was evidence that Europe as well as the rest of the world suffered a year or two long period of cold and loss of sunlight, that caused crop failure, famine, unrest, and wars in the 1400s.  This had the effect of reducing large numbers of the human population.  They linked these events to historical accounts in asian countries describing volcanic events, and then evidence of a huge volcano that darkened the sky of the entire world.  I did a brief internet search, but couldn't find a proper reference.  Might have been a Nova program or some special on the History channel.  Dunno. 'Twas and interesting show, though.


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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2009, 01:04:34 AM »
All forms of life on this planet derive their life energies from the sun, we are all solar beings.

That was once accepted belief.  However, they have now found life deep on the ocean floor where there is no sunlight.  These living beings and in fact an entire ecology, owe their small ecosystem's energy input from volcanic heat and gases escaping through the earth's crust.  The pictures and video are quite amazing.

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2009, 01:55:34 AM »
Ive never understood this theory of icebergs melting and raising sea level.
Achimedes sez that anything that floats disperses its own weight so if a berg is floating it has already dispersed the amount of water it contains so when it melts it will be the same
This is easily discredited, get yourself a bucket of water and float a large piece of ice in it, the ice will float on the surface with about 50-75% of it under the water but still some above the surface, now push this piece of ice into the bucket until it is all covered with water, at about this time you should start to get wet feet because as you push the ice it displaces more water That is why a 14000 square kilometer piece of ice is a problem, with 200 foot walls of ice it displaces a lot more once melted. Factor into this the Glaciers that are melting at a phenomenal rate and remember none of this is in the sea so it is all destined to make the sea levels rise. I shouldn't even have to explain this as it is well known in Australia that we had a massive inland sea not that far in the past and a 1 meter rise would have most of it back. Like i said look into our pacific neighbours their islands are disappearing and they have called on Australia for support and relocation, some of these islands are already almost gone.

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2009, 02:29:45 AM »
Do I hear "the people must pay more for their sins" mantra?
Not at all, we just need to rethink our processes, we need to make what we do less of a burden on the environment and much more efficient, this is common sense.
You want to trade insults?  What does your statement do to your credibility, thinking I'm an intelligent man?  Either you've just proven yourself wrong (again?), or have demonstrated a serious lack of judgment, right? Grin
I think there was a well disguised complement in there insults  ;)
how can you be so arrogant to assume humans are SOOOO powerful (evil?) that they can change these naturally occurring temperature changing cycles within a few human lifetimes?
Quite easily, nuclear weapons are capable of changing this overnight and with enough smog trapped inside the stratosphere it will trap heat as it is doing now.
I'm saying that the earth's temperature has varied by a far greater amount than what we have experience in our short recorded history and the existence of homo-sapiens on this planet.
Not in such a small time frame. I agree these cycles are part of the earths natural cycles its just that we are speeding them up. There is a lot more evidence to support this than there is against it or we wouldn't be having world summits on this very subject.
But really, why do you think the earth's climate will remain stable for the next 100,000 years, when there is ample evidence that it has changed dramatically, all on its own, in the past?
I agree, but like i said, it is happening faster now.
Seems like a myopic viewpoint and astounding arrogance, by assuming that the earth's climate was and always will be the same as it has been in the last 1000 years.  A couple of big volcanos would cool it off in a hurry (geologically speaking).  A really big one could deplete the human population globally as it did in the 1400s
Its ok to throw in scenarios like this but we have no control over that, we do if it is us that is helping the planet warm.
You are aware of submarine volcanic activity putting tons of sulfur dioxides (acidity) into the water, right?
Yes i am aware and there is a natural balance there also, research done in Antarctica suggests that this balance has been maintained over the eons and is on the rise now....Coincidence ?
Which gives evidence of volcanic activity under the antarctic glaciers.
"Heat from the volcano creates melt-water that lubricates the base of the ice sheet and increases the flow towards the sea."

Do you think those land masses that you now hold dear were always above sea level?  Much of the US continent has fossilized remains of marine life.  I didn't think snails and marine fish could travel overland 1000 miles.
That would be fine if the ice in question was land based, but it is frozen ocean basically, not land based so that theory doesn't help. The exact same thing is happening in the northern hemisphere.
We also have the habit of heeding bad advice and creating an even worse situation.
I would love you to explain how cutting pollution would make things worse? Do you think change is a bad thing? You couldn't be that stupid to think that even if pollution is doing nothing now and i doubt that, that at some time in the future our future generations will be left to clean up our mess, and at what expense then?
There are also thousands of scientists that are scoffing at the "warning bells"
Actually i looked into that and i can guarantee you there are a hell of a lot more suggesting we are adding to the problem than saying that we are not. And also as you said "who is paying them? The biggest noise against the warming theory in Australia are backed by the mining industry.
To some, it is blatantly obvious that God exists
For something to be "blatantly obvious" you would need more proof than a pile of tales told 2000 + years ago, {ever hear of Chinese whispers} No i am not religious and regardless what you may think i do look at all the available evidence to base my comments. There will always be 2 sides to any story but i strongly believe that it is very naive to think we can just continue to pump millions of tons of crap into the environment without doing any damage, whether it be short or long term, so why push the envelope what if we can't stop the damage being done we are a selfish society and i think we need to all get together, survey the situation and put all the bullsh1t aside and make sure we don't screw it up for everyone else..


750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
If You can't fix it with a hammer, You've got an electrical problem.

Offline Frankencake

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2009, 05:42:44 AM »
Ecosse, come back here and take it like a man.  You can't slink away like that. ;)
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

Frankencake:  Brotherhood of the unemployed?  What's our secret handshake?

333:  Think "Shakeweight".

Offline Grumpol

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2009, 05:50:21 AM »
Oh sorry, i came in her thinking it was the humour board, nolt the abuse the #$%* out of each other board
Maybe the mods should look to keeping order a little more closely
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 05:57:14 AM by Grumpol »

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2009, 06:00:16 AM »
OK, at the very least, I'm moving this to the Open Forum as it lacks humor. It could be a good discussion provided everyone observe the no name calling rule, directly or indirectly. If you feel you have a case, or point, make it but don't make derogatory comments about others or their points.
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline Demon67

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2009, 08:47:13 AM »
Keep up doing what your doing guys as the temp goes up this place becomes more habitable over the years.
Bill the demon.

Offline martino1972

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Re: Dangers of Global Warming.
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2009, 09:24:09 AM »
global warming my ass.......  last week we had the coldest night in 20 years here...... ;D ;D ;D

the idiots that came up with the "global warming money maker" obviously never seen a canadian winter.... ;)
Marti, I want you to know, I like you an awful lot, but guys have said far less and left wearing their drinks on their shirts.  (my bobber)