If you look through the Carb FAQ, you will find a chart that lists differences in carbs for the CB500/550. The stock CB550F carbs used the 069A setup to function well with the stock 4 into 1 exhaust and stock air filter. If these items are changed, then the jetting and set up of the carbs may need to be adjusted for the different flow characteristics of these items. Honda thought it was important to change things inside the carbs on a model basis.
The better quality carb kits are specific to particular CB550 models. But, unless water or acids have been sitting in the carbs, or previous owners have guggered the internal bits, I've not found any reason to replace internal components other than the o rings and seals which harden and crack with age. All you should need is what is still available from Honda. You'll have to decide if the bike is worth $80 to rebuild the carbs.