Author Topic: stripping and resealing tank. por-15 Q's and can I use radiator sealer?  (Read 1364 times)

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Offline cormier1989

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So as I type this my tank is on day two of sitting in its bath of muriatic acid and water to remove the rust and paint. There is a pin hole on the side of the tank and I have yet to see the bottom. All I know is that there is at least one hole on the bottom of the tank which was sealed a while ago with what looks like calk... It looks like the inside of the tank has an old kreem liner and from other threads I dont want to go with kreem. so how do you use por-15 in a tank on the website it seems to be advertised as a paint on thing. My other question is, can I seal the tank with the stuff they use to seal radiators? I plan on using an epoxy for gas tanks to seal up the holes on the outside and then doing a good seal on the inside.

Offline Sporkfly

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Radiator sealants, if you're referring to what I think you are, require heating and cooling cycles of the engine's cooling system to work.

And as far as POR-15 goes, I used it and it has been holding up. They have kits for bike tanks specifically and it's pretty straight forward:
1977 CB550K
1979 GL1000 - Current project, winter '09-'10
1979 CX500
1976 Suzuki GT500 Titan

Offline cormier1989

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thanks, i think ill order some por 15 then.