Hey Fuzzbutt, Here's my two cents even though it's worth about a peso.
First I'll give you my thoughts on your step-daughters situation. I'm going to guess that she is a couple of years younger than the ASE dipsh1t. I can tell you from experience that just because he had enough attention span to fall asleep in class, and then actually use the textbook to pass the tests, DOES NOT make him boy genius. I've dated a couple of them, only the most recent has any manners and intelligence. So, that said, they shack up, produce a kid, she loves him because he's the daddy, and your wife doesn't mind him because he helped produce a beautiful grandchild.

It happens alot.
Now, I'm guessing there's already some ill feelings towards this schmuck because he mistreated, degraded, or just downright doesn't treat the stepkid right, and you had to hear the wife complain about it for so long you just don't like him.
As for the cooking thing, f*ck it. You can't help people with bad taste buds. My ex (ASE certified) wouldn't touch a vegetable unless it was deep fried actually, he pretty much didn't like anything unless it was doused in cream sauce or deep fried.
Divorce? Over this? You can do better than that. Either tell us what's really on your mind, or if that's really it, take a step back and think about which cat you can part with if you have to move into an apartment. Sometimes, we have to suck it up and do what we can to make sh1t work, even though that's what it is, SH1T.
Good luck. I know you'll figure it all out.

(edit: this just rings too much of a bell with a girl I used to knows family, if i'm wrong, I'm wrong)