Funny Caaveman, how your indoctrinated, backward, marxist logic causes you to view the socialist programs that enabled your mother to be a "lazy drug-addict" and prolonged your agony until you were twelve years old as beneficial.
You are right, if those programs didn't exist, you wouldn't be where you are today. You might have gone to live with your father much sooner, and you might have been much better off.
BTW, I'm not knocking you or your upbringing. I had similarly difficult circumstances as a child.
If you want to take it out of that context that is fine.
You can't choose your parents. I was playing with the hand I was delt. I guess you see the program as an enabler, I see it as it enabled me to live in a house instead of on the street.
Although my father is the better of the two, he is no gem either. So I wouldn't jump to conclusions too fast about me being better off than where I am now. I have fought every sterotype of being a welfare kid and poor to get where I am at today. While I am not rocking a brand new car or a nice flashy house with plastic siding that makes it easier to clean, with a nice two or three car garage, I am doing okay. I am in fact in school, I've got an above average GPA, I'm working a full time job, I've got a nice reliable car from the 90's, and an awesome bike from the 70's. Do I want more? Sure, who doesn't. Can I live without it? Absolutely. Do I get sore at the fact that I could have bought a brand new car in the last five years for what I shilled out in taxes? Nope.
While the socialist programs enable some people to do dirty things and become nothing, there are those out there who were citizens that were putting money in the pot and something happened for one reason or another that put them where they are. Sure a lot of mistakes are avoidable, in hindesight. Those are the people that enable me to want to support these programs.
It's really a horse a piece Ed.
If you look at anything you can find the up side and down side of it all. It just depends on what light you want to use to look at it I guess. I justify my money being raped from me via taxes in a positive and optimistic light. You are the reverse of that.
Different strokes man, different strokes.