True, it is pointless.
I generate 60% of my own electricity though solar panels. I think that has more impact.
There's an almost endless list of even very simple things that people can do every day that will have an immensely greater impact than turning off their lights and appliances for one hour.
Turn down the thermostat a couple of degrees in the Winter and put on a sweater.
Open the blinds on South-facing windows when the sun is out.
Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.
Don't flush the toilet every single time you pee (unless you ate asparagus with dinner).
Set your computer so it goes into sleep mode when not in use.
Turn off any lights when they're not currently being used.
Don't leave electric gadget chargers plugged in when you're not using them.
Hang dry your clothes occasionally.
Walk to the store that's five blocks away instead of driving your SUV.
etc, etc...