Author Topic: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!  (Read 5587 times)

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Offline BobbyR

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2009, 11:11:57 AM »
I live about 10 miles from the Indian Point Nuc plant. The issue is not an explosion or meltdown as it is all these leaks they have. The spent fuel rods are stored in pools for so long the cement cracks and releases radioactive water into the ground. We are not happy about how it is being run and maintained. 
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2009, 01:11:53 PM »
Yeah nukes are not the way to go, and what we see by the media is only the tip of the iceburg of what really happens.
Please to all check out the links I posted about, take a GOOOOD read on it and talk, Stan meyer had been working on his method for onboard electrolysis for over 30 yrs (yes around the time I was born in 1977), no hydrogen bombs to worry about. His setups were scary they worked so good. 100 miles to the gallon of WATER. Please take goon seriously here, and support his findings. we can as a global society get past all the political mumbo jumbo I rant about in all the other threads and take these kinda things into reality.
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Offline Gordon

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2009, 03:34:45 PM »
Yeah nukes are not the way to go, and what we see by the media is only the tip of the iceburg of what really happens.
Please to all check out the links I posted about, take a GOOOOD read on it and talk, Stan meyer had been working on his method for onboard electrolysis for over 30 yrs (yes around the time I was born in 1977), no hydrogen bombs to worry about. His setups were scary they worked so good. 100 miles to the gallon of WATER. Please take goon seriously here, and support his findings. we can as a global society get past all the political mumbo jumbo I rant about in all the other threads and take these kinda things into reality.

Where do you think Stan is getting the energy from to power his on-board electrolysis?  He may be getting 100 miles to the gallon of water, but he would get much farther if he used the same amount of electricity used to split the water molecules to just power an electric motor for the car.  Stan's engine burns hydrogen instead of gasoline.  That's the only real difference from the standard car.  The location where the electrolysis takes place to produce that hydrogen (in the car or in a large plant) doesn't make any difference.  It takes electricity to do it either way, and that electricity is still being produced by burning fossil fuels.

And I briefly addressed this in an earlier post, but hydrogen fuel cells (like the one generating the electricity for the Honda originally posted) have absolutely nothing to do with nukes or hydrogen bombs.       


Offline PJ

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2009, 04:19:57 PM »
Any thoughts on CNG (compressed natural gas)? The govt and some countries have used it for years..


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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2009, 04:44:51 PM »
I live about 10 miles from the Indian Point Nuc plant. The issue is not an explosion or meltdown as it is all these leaks they have. The spent fuel rods are stored in pools for so long the cement cracks and releases radioactive water into the ground. We are not happy about how it is being run and maintained. 

How many of you New Yorkers have died from this "threat"?

The spent rods should have been buried in Nevada a decade ago, have you ever driven in that area of Nevada?  Nothing there. I mean nothing for miles and miles.  more people drink at the Switch Inn in Middletown NY on Saturday night then live in 50 square miles of Nevada surrounding the proposed waste dump. (just guessing here, no actual scientific data in my theory)

If our descendants are stupid enough to settle on a radioactive dump 5,000 years from now, well, Darwin has taught us it will all work out. (as he opens another can of worms, he fades away...)

Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2009, 06:46:58 AM »
Yeah nukes are not the way to go, and what we see by the media is only the tip of the iceburg of what really happens.
Please to all check out the links I posted about, take a GOOOOD read on it and talk, Stan meyer had been working on his method for onboard electrolysis for over 30 yrs (yes around the time I was born in 1977), no hydrogen bombs to worry about. His setups were scary they worked so good. 100 miles to the gallon of WATER. Please take goon seriously here, and support his findings. we can as a global society get past all the political mumbo jumbo I rant about in all the other threads and take these kinda things into reality.

Where do you think Stan is getting the energy from to power his on-board electrolysis?  He may be getting 100 miles to the gallon of water, but he would get much farther if he used the same amount of electricity used to split the water molecules to just power an electric motor for the car.  Stan's engine burns hydrogen instead of gasoline.  That's the only real difference from the standard car.  The location where the electrolysis takes place to produce that hydrogen (in the car or in a large plant) doesn't make any difference.  It takes electricity to do it either way, and that electricity is still being produced by burning fossil fuels.

And I briefly addressed this in an earlier post, but hydrogen fuel cells (like the one generating the electricity for the Honda originally posted) have absolutely nothing to do with nukes or hydrogen bombs.       


You didn't watch the whole video did you, go back and see where he is doing it at on the car, do you thing he has a 100,000 ft extension chord to use while he is driving and making electrolysis...... Werd man.....
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2009, 06:49:40 AM »
Also take a seriuos note on how much hydrogen he is able to produce compared to the methods we all have seen in the B.S. media. I am done here, don't like peeing in the wind.
Ya'll have fun doing the same thing all the politicians keep doing.
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Offline Gordon

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2009, 07:03:32 AM »
You didn't watch the whole video did you, go back and see where he is doing it at on the car, do you thing he has a 100,000 ft extension chord to use while he is driving and making electrolysis...... Werd man.....

I didn't watch any of the video you posted.  Don't need to.  I've seen more than enough of Stan Meyer over the past several years, and the one thing I've learned, and that almost everybody else who knows anything about him has learned, is this:

Stan Meyer = Snake oil salesman

And, no, I don't think he has a 100,000 foot extension cord.  It's called batteries.

Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #33 on: March 31, 2009, 09:28:12 AM »
The dude is and has been dead for quite a while, Have fun like I said BEING JUST LIKE A POLITICIAN.
I must know different info than you I guess.... ???
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #34 on: March 31, 2009, 09:33:34 AM »
Do you care about the cost of fuel? Or pollution?
In 1805, Swiss inventor Isaac de Rivaz was the first to make a car powered by an internal combustion engine. But what did the engine use as fuel, since gasoline wasn't invented till the 1870s? Amazingly, the first ICE automobile ran on the HYDROGEN extracted from WATER!

That's right, a feat that we can't seem to duplicate now, was done on a wooden-bodied car just five years after two British scientists discovered how to break up water using a crude battery! Something smells bad here!

Surely 200 years of technological advancement has given us the ability to improve on a superior fuel from 1805!

We have published the first book ever written on the history of running cars on water. To receive a copy, which includes a DVD of water fuel device inventor interviews, send $22.00 (USA)or $30.00 (intl) to:

Water Fuel Museum
P.O. Box 55558
Lexington KY 40555


Paypal account:

Also, tune in to our webcasts: (search "water fuel")
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #35 on: March 31, 2009, 09:34:47 AM »

If simple electrolysis worked to make hydrogen from clean H2O, then we would have water powered cars already. Most Engineers, Mechanics are taught, it takes more energy to produce enough energy to propel a car, therefore it will never work. You cannot break the laws of physics. They say you will not get enough BTU's from hydrogen or egas to push an ICE motor. They are right, Gasoline gets too hot, and 78% of the energy produced goes right out the exhaust pipe. A complete waste of energy is applied everyday we drive our present vehicles and also the heat contributes to the Global warming. With "On Board Electrolysis" with egas or supplied by hydrogen tanks, you don't need all this heat. What you need is strong combustion to push the piston down. Hydrogen is 2-1/2 times more combustion power than gasoline, with less heat! The inventors below manage to propel a car on hydrogen, so can you. A trillion dollar industry awaits you. Many of the inventors lives were threatened. Yull Brown had shots fired into his kitchen, Stan Meyers was threatened and eventually poisoned, a few months Yull Brown dies of old age. . Andrija Puharich mysteriously fell down a flight of stairs. Carl Cella died in prison. Today their are way too many of us to control. The time is now.

See the Buggy idle on egas alone! and see Stan's 4' tall cell. Video taken from his twin brother Steven (still alive) The other fellow Ted Holbrook who just passed of old age is helping him, he supposedly is responsible for confiscating the dune buggy from the cronies who took Stan's most precious life. The buggy is for sale! ( 9/25/08)

How did all these inventors listed below make a car run off of water as fuel?

William Nicholson (1799)
experimented with electrolysis

Isaac de Rivas (1805)
He made the first water car!

Rev. William Cecil (1820)

Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir (1860)
2nd car that ran on water as fuel.

Info. on Rivaz, Lenoir & Delamare-Debouteville

Luther Wattles (1897)

Rudolf A. Erren (1930)

Henry"Dad" Garrett (1932)
from Texas, I believe he was bought out
and his water fuel carb , forgotten about.

Michael A. Peavey (1956)
Wrote the "Water as Fuel" book

William A Rhodes (1967)

Yull Brown (1970-1998)

Daniel Dingle (1970 -2008)

Francisco Pacheco (1972)

Rodger Billings (1976)

Archie Blue (1950's)

Robert Zweig (1978)

Dr. Ruggero Santilli (1978)

Sam Leslie Leach (1978)

MIB's in action at your
local theaters

Rent the movie : SYRIANA
It will show you how
corrupt greed actually is.

Then rent the Movie
An Un-Convenvient Truth
Realizing the problem is
already too late to fix.

Bye bye life on Earth!

New Zealanders have Water Powered Cars
& Motorcycles!
Why not see the
videos now!!

Steven Horvath (1978)
Use of radiolysis to a hydrogen cell.

Carl Cella (1978)
Heavymetal Rocker/ Water powered Cadilillac

Dr. Ruggero Santilli (1978 - 2008)

Stan Meyer (1980-98)

Herman P. Anderson (1983)

Andrija Puharich (1918-1995)

Joe Cell (Joe X) (1990- TILL THE COWS COME HOME)

Paulo Mateiro (2000)

Bob Boyce (1980 - forever)

Peter Lowrie (2004) He used to run a yahoo forum called
EgasPower and had He either gave up
or sold out.

Edward Estevel

Dr. Cliff Ricketts (1996 - 2012)

Steve Ryan (motorcycle 2005 & on)

Captain Patrick (2000 BC)

Isaac de Rivas was a Swiss inventor who, in 1805, was the first to make a car powered by an internal combustion engine. That was an accomplishment in and of itself, but what did the engine use as fuel, since gasoline wasn't invented till the 1870s? Amazingly, the first automobile ran on HYDROGEN extracted from WATER!

Yull Brown - from Sydney Australia developed a method of extracting hydrogen from water in 1978 and utilizing it as a car fuel and fuel for cutting steel and brazing. After much publicity (see The Bulletin (Aust.) Aug 22, 1989) he had managed to raise over 2 million dollars.... UCSA offers this technology for cutting and brazing steel.

Why are we all stuck on gasoline? It is SMOGing up our planet, causing cancer, global warming, wars, bad weather, holes in the Ozone and the end of the world as we know it. It seems that our governments are not allowing us to have free energy.
Everyone needs fuel to survive,

Why not make clean hydrogen out of water rather than from dirty hydrocarbons?

The Oil Corps. own most of the stock of all industries. Petroleum being the largest industry in the world. Industry. The DOE sets up guide lines these Car Manufactures have to follow. Every Water Car inventor, once his car is advertised on TV or Newspaper, the DOE, FBI, CIA MIB, Sheriff, the MOB, show up at your door, they tell you to stop with your car. They take your water car experiment away. They tear apart your garage looking for plans parts, everything you have may have been working on. Some get bought out. Some are poisoned. No joke. Or they disappear. Hard to believe, but I had heard this over and over again. I get tired of hearing the bad ending, or dead ending. What happened to the triumphant ending! You say, Dude you are out there! Well, we all our right to our opinion. We will leave at that. I seek the truth and truth shall set you FREE!

Do you see me selling something on these pages? Then why bother with all this
information, if it will never be manufactured? Well because someday it will. Without a vision the people parish. What if Jesus delays his coming and Armageddon is postponed indefinitely? At present, this is the way we are headed. The Water Powered Car is the new trillion dollar industry a coming. The snow is ripe for harvest.

Don't you want to breathe clean air? Next time your near a high traffic corner in any city in the United States, take a deep breathe of what you smell. You are breathing unburned hydrocarbons & nitrates, carbon monoxides, 13 total bad chemicals you should not be breathing. The air is not safe to breath. When I go on road trips I always after wards feel tired and sick from the breathing of it. The only way to escape car exhaust, is to live in the country and avoid road trips. Stay put. Oil reserves are running out. Iraq has the last best reserves, now the US wants it. I dislike the entire War scene in Iraq. We don't live here. so we will never know what it is like living in Iraq. Does not seem like good karma at all.

You have to make the water car yourself, It is not that hard. Start by reading.

Murray from Down Under explains it very well here, so does Patrick from the UK. I'm just a bum who put this website together, on my spare time. Beats voting. I tell you. Diebold needs to stop making voting machines. Vote for "Back to Hand Voting ballots, counted by the communities." I voted for Bush the first election, because I was a Republican and thought Bush was a Christian man, now I found out the opposite, he sold out to MONEY instead. THe 2nd election for President I voted for Kerry, feeling betrayed and lied to by GW. On the election day I felt God told me just to vote for your local county ballot (as if the voting machines are rigged, later to read and find out that Diebold totally is stripping away our freedom To VOTE!) I joined the Green Party lately because they are exposing the myth of the Bohemian Grove. Boho Grove, just the name sends a chill up my spine. Go read about it. Just google "bohemian grove", scary , weird stuff. As time goes by you will eventually find out, that all these conspiracy sites are true and the well paid news media is false. Good spoken of evil and evil spoken as good. Welcome to the world of Satan and the Flipside. Meanwhile for a short peroid, the Holy Spirit will still be around. Today we live in a safe heaven in the good ole USA

Learn, Seek,and you shall Find. Water is Life
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #36 on: March 31, 2009, 09:37:55 AM »
For those who are mouse challenged...
You should have tried the second link.
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Offline Gordon

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2009, 09:50:43 AM »
The dude is and has been dead for quite a while, Have fun like I said BEING JUST LIKE A POLITICIAN.
I must know different info than you I guess.... ???

I thought you said you were done here?

Why do you feel the need to resort to immature comments like that?  

Please don't try to turn what has been a civil discussion on this topic into a closed-minded, political, conspiracy theorist flamewar.  I won't stoop down to that level, so you'll get no satisfaction from trying to bait me.  

There's already one of those going on right now:  

If you want to hash out your political grudges or get into a forum fight, then please do it there, where other people who feel like doing the same thing are posting.  And, no, I'm not telling you when or where or what to post.  I'm just politely asking.  


Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #38 on: March 31, 2009, 11:43:57 AM »
The Edsel.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #39 on: March 31, 2009, 01:25:57 PM »
Yeah nukes are not the way to go, and what we see by the media is only the tip of the iceburg of what really happens.
Please to all check out the links I posted about, take a GOOOOD read on it and talk, Stan meyer had been working on his method for onboard electrolysis for over 30 yrs (yes around the time I was born in 1977), no hydrogen bombs to worry about. His setups were scary they worked so good. 100 miles to the gallon of WATER. Please take goon seriously here, and support his findings. we can as a global society get past all the political mumbo jumbo I rant about in all the other threads and take these kinda things into reality.

Where do you think Stan is getting the energy from to power his on-board electrolysis?  He may be getting 100 miles to the gallon of water, but he would get much farther if he used the same amount of electricity used to split the water molecules to just power an electric motor for the car.  Stan's engine burns hydrogen instead of gasoline.  That's the only real difference from the standard car.  The location where the electrolysis takes place to produce that hydrogen (in the car or in a large plant) doesn't make any difference.  It takes electricity to do it either way, and that electricity is still being produced by burning fossil fuels.

And I briefly addressed this in an earlier post, but hydrogen fuel cells (like the one generating the electricity for the Honda originally posted) have absolutely nothing to do with nukes or hydrogen bombs.       

I was done until this insult sir, for you to blatenly state what you did yes it pissed me off. I don't care either and calling YOU out for being like a politician is exactly what I meant, it is the same reason that I had 2 grandfathers and a father that fought for what this country was founded and now politician's do nothing but exactly what you did sir.

I also unlike you stated documented evidence of (like I also said in an earlier post) that if we can as a GLOBAL society do this together it can be done.
So please in your infinate wisdom explain to me how I am trying to bait you?

Because I am trying to show that information IS power, how is that closed minded  ???
Politely asking? And yes you are mouse challenged if you want to spend more time ranting and raving on how I am wrong and didn't even give Stan Meyers ro the links provided a chance....

I am in no way trying to start a forum fight, come on man I was trying to show what most try to hide and I get this from only one person....
You have fun with your self and remember you can indirectly affect up to a million people a day.

Oh yeah; thanks,
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #40 on: March 31, 2009, 01:28:27 PM »
Immature comments what a hoot.

Guess that's what I get for giving my self a name like goon 1492 huh...
You should research more before you comment.
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Offline goon 1492

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #41 on: March 31, 2009, 01:32:17 PM »
The dude is and has been dead for quite a while, Have fun like I said BEING JUST LIKE A POLITICIAN.
I must know different info than you I guess.... ???

I thought you said you were done here?

Why do you feel the need to resort to immature comments like that?  

Please don't try to turn what has been a civil discussion on this topic into a closed-minded, political, conspiracy theorist flamewar.  I won't stoop down to that level, so you'll get no satisfaction from trying to bait me.  

There's already one of those going on right now:  

If you want to hash out your political grudges or get into a forum fight, then please do it there, where other people who feel like doing the same thing are posting.  And, no, I'm not telling you when or where or what to post.  I'm just politely asking.  


OH yeah what you clearly stated in this post describes yourself as the person, especially with the special link attached, good job. ;) :-*
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #42 on: March 31, 2009, 01:34:34 PM »
Let's rein in the personal attacks, shall we?
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #43 on: March 31, 2009, 01:40:14 PM »
The Pinto.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline Damfino

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #44 on: March 31, 2009, 01:41:11 PM »
Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
2014 CB 1100DLX
2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2009, 01:42:09 PM »
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline Gordon

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #46 on: March 31, 2009, 01:47:49 PM »
Oh well...  I guess that's what I get for trying to be polite and respectful. ::)  So much for what started out as a fun and interesting thread.


Offline Damfino

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #47 on: March 31, 2009, 02:10:35 PM »
Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
2014 CB 1100DLX
2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #48 on: March 31, 2009, 03:21:24 PM »
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline Damfino

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Re: The most important vehicle in 100yrs!
« Reply #49 on: March 31, 2009, 03:31:54 PM »
Or it's larger sedan counterpart the 'We-all-go'...... :D :D :D
Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
2014 CB 1100DLX
2015 Harley Davidson Freewheeler

You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(