My youngest of 7 sisters is still in high school (8th grade). All throughout this year, she's had one girl that has wanted to fight her. All of my family (9 of us total; me, my brother, and 7 sisters) have gone to the same high school and excelled in pretty much everything from sports to academics to FFA, 4H, Catechism, etc. Apparently the girl is jealous/envious/loathsome of my sister because we have always had a good family, live on a ranch with horses, have a lot of friends, get along with all of the teachers, so-on and so-forth. Well finally after almost an entire school year of the girl trying to get my sister to fight, the girl instigated a confrontation.
My sister was in the locker room before school started, just minding her business. When she walked out of the stall, the girl "punched" her in the face (my sister said it didn't even hurt). When the girl saw that it didn't phase her, she started fighting the girly-fight, pulling hair, scratching, you know the crap. Finally when my sister had taken enough, she pushed the girl off of her, squared up, and punched her hard square in the nose. The girl crumpled to the floor and started crying, bleeding all over the place. My sister just walked out and went to class.
In my honest opinion, my sister shouldn't be in trouble at all. If she should be punished, it should be much less than what the other girl (that started it) gets. They both got suspended from school for a week. My sister got her Facebook account deleted, and has to go home and fix fence, and I don't know exactly what else my dad is going to do/say, as I haven't talked to him about it yet. Other than being suspended, I don't know how the other girl was punished. If you've ever had to fix fence on a farm/ranch for a week straight, you'd know that it's much more of a punishment than getting "grounded" or suspended from school which is probably all the other girl is going to get.
So here's the question. As parents, what would YOU do?