Well I bought this thing so I'd have something to play with after I finished personalizing (i.e. spending $$$) the Harley, and it hasn't disappointed yet! Was chasing down a small oil leak yesterday and discovered that the lower front bolt (right below the dowel pin) on the alternator is stripped. I got so freaked when I discovered the threads from the case wrapped around the last 1/4 inch of the bolt, that I didn't check to see if someone had used the wrong (too short) fastener. If it's not the wrong fastener (and I can't use a longer one to get to good threads) what is the best way to repair? Is Helicoil my only option? Or is there something less forgiving (Assume Helicoil must be drilled exactly straight cuz this is a gasket surface, and it's tough but not impossible to do while on the bike)?
Tried to attach a drawing but cant tell if it's there. If so the hole that's stripped is the one below #22.