Author Topic: the worlds quickest electric car  (Read 2035 times)

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Re: the worlds quickest electric car
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2009, 09:39:17 AM »

I know nothing of this conversion you speak of.  But you're right, a 35 mph car is unsafe.  The only electrics I know of that are limited to that low speed are golf cart lookin' things that look very dangerous.  The first electric conversion (I assume a conversion.  Could have been home made) was a Volkswagon 311 square back wagon, 30 years ago.  It passed me on the highway at 60.  I knew it was electric by the sound it made, and by a sticker on the back that said it was electric.  And you do realize this thread was started about an electric car that does 110 in less than 11 seconds.

The Tesla also greatly exceeds the speed limit by a factor of 3 or 4, and claims a 200 mile range(although probably not at top speed).  The technology is here.  Maybe just here, but here none the less.  And it will only get better.

While we're pointing out the obvious, I guess I'll point out that in my previous post I mentioned if I was unloaded I could use my work van. The problem is, I am loaded with materials and tools 80% of the time and that's when my top speed is 35.
Did that car do the 11 second quarter while carrying a couple thousand pounds of materials and tools?
Could you fit a couple thousand pounds of materials and tools in that VW?

The Tesla can do 200 miles but weighs 1/3 my van weight when my van is empty, try going 200 miles in that same car if it weighs 3x more.

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Re: the worlds quickest electric car
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2009, 04:34:28 PM »
there is technology on horizon
super conductors and newer batteries
right now a all electric just can't do the job for the average family
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Re: the worlds quickest electric car
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2009, 07:32:35 PM »
Well Rat400F is not the average family.  But an all electric CAN do for the average family.  The average family doesn't carry a ton of stuff to and from work.  The average commute is well within the range of all electrics.  And fast enough for the highways.

The video that started this thread showed the car using heavy lead/acid batteries.  The race to the last track day was held up waiting for considerably lighter weight lithium batteries.  So, in the beginning, he was carrying serious weight, but in the end, wasn't.  The Tesla is using lithium as well, from their beginning.  The racer, being a privateer, couldn't afford the lithium.  I believe the racer was borrowing the lithium.  I'm sure Gerhed would like some, too.
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