Used to be some signs at the corner market when I was younger that read 'Watch that child drive carefully' and on the other drive, 'watch that child stop ahead'
There's a few signs nearby that will freak you out if you don't know the roads,
I'm willing to bet on one that you'll go off the road if it's your first time driving it. There's a set of curves and before you hit them there's a curve sign with the arrow pointing right, then after that is the 'S' curve type sign. Problem is, when you actually hit the curve, the first curve is a hard left. (love that curve, it's up and down hill, and very sweet to run.)
Another curve is marked out for a quarter mile before you hit it with curve signs, then has about 15 of those "<" signs, on that one, when you actually hit the curve what it amounts to is less than a lane change. If you've ever let your car drift over far enough to let the tire cross the center line on a two lane, you've made that curve.