Definitely. While it's handy having your own trucking company (very handy!

), it's still much cheaper to send it the whole way by sea rather than sean and road. Also, less possible chances for damage.
You should have no probs getting a direct container to Brisbane. If the company mentioned in an earlier post can't do it, then shop around until you find one that's packing a box to Brissie.
The thing to keep in mind is that you need an Import Permit to bring a vehicle into Australia. Look here: the top of my head:
If you were to sell a bike to someone in Aus, they need to apply for the permit (need VIN and engine # details etc).
Permit must be in place prior to export. If you don't get the permit, the bike would be re-exported or scrapped.
Since we are talking sohc4s, they will be from 1988 or earlier, which makes it much easier. If it is a bike from 1989 and on,
look deep into the rules so you don't get caught out!
I think we can only import 1 bike per year through this system...?
Not sure what the requirement is for more than one bike at a time, whether it then gets classed as commercial business, therefore more rules. Not exactly sure... Check the link!

Oh yeah, hint of advice. Make sure the bikes are clean from
all mud/dirt before sending. There's a big emphasis on quarantine issues over here, and any dirt/mud etc would mean mandatory treatment (cleaning, possibly fumigation). They will check pretty thoroughly. You'll prob find it's much cheaper to get it cleaned before leaving than getting it done in a container yard on arrival.