Well, I beg to differ.
I my opinion, the fault in Gordon thinking lies in fact that "propeller tows the plane through the air". Yes it does, but plane flies not because it is being towed, but because the air goes around the wings, which in turn generate lift.
Now, the propeller may turn as fast as it like, creating as much trust as it like, but UNLESS the air will start flowing around WHOLE wings the plane will NOT take off.
Of course a bit of air may go around the base of wings, but lift so generated will be waaay to small..
So, sorry, but unless you could direct somehow the stream of air to go over the WHOLE wingspan, it won't fly.
Imagine this - take a small model of a plane and direct on it narrow stream of air, like from hair-dryer, directly on its nose. It will stay put. Now, take a big fan, that covers the wingspan - the model will lift....
And THAT folks is all there is to it.... or, Dukie is right, Gordon is wrong... If you don't believe, take a model and try... The Myhtbusters AS USUAL take a lot of liberties with conditions. This plane on the movie, was moving forward.
I just can't imagine that so many of you don't realize why do the planes fly... because that's why - because of the lift created by the airflow around the profile of the wing... the whole wing, BTW....