I'm kind of stuck here. My eyesight has deteriorated quite a bit lately. Had to take an eye test lest year to finally get my bike license and failed the first time (with glasses) I barely passed the second time. The dilemma is I could loose my license by going to the optometrist.
I have an eye condition called keratoconus, a progressive eye disease in which the normally round cornea thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This cone shape deflects light as it enters the eye. I causes progressive nearsightedness and irregular astigmatism to develop, creating additional problems with distorted and blurred vision, glare and light sensitivity. All of which I have. I am practically blind in my left eye (can't read at all with it) and my right is going as well. Some days worse than others.
Glasses have reached their effective limit, the next step is contact lenses that will reshape the surface of the eye. I have tried a number of times and cannot get them in. Even contact have a limitation for effectiveness.
As a last resort, a cornea transplant is considered (which will require a lot of time off work that I can't afford)
So, do I go to the optometrist, who is legally obligated to inform the government if I am no longer "fit" to drive? She may come up with a solution but the risk is still there. I want my eyesight fixed but could loose everything if my license is taken. I would be forced to drive illegally.
Has anyone ever heard of an optometrist really pulling a drivers license?
I'm only 27 and my 72 year old foreman has better vision than me.