Author Topic: eyesight delemma  (Read 1198 times)

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eyesight delemma
« on: April 04, 2009, 12:15:56 AM »
I'm kind of stuck here. My eyesight has deteriorated quite a bit lately. Had to take an eye test lest year to finally get my bike license and failed the first time (with glasses) I barely passed the second time. The dilemma is I could loose my license by going to the optometrist.

I have an eye condition called keratoconus, a progressive eye disease in which the normally round cornea thins and begins to bulge into a cone-like shape. This cone shape deflects light as it enters the eye. I causes progressive nearsightedness and irregular astigmatism to develop, creating additional problems with distorted and blurred vision, glare and light sensitivity. All of which I have. I am practically blind in my left eye (can't read at all with it) and my right is going as well. Some days worse than others.

Glasses have reached their effective limit, the next step is contact lenses that will reshape the surface of the eye. I have tried a number of times and cannot get them in. Even contact have a limitation for effectiveness.

As a last resort, a cornea transplant is considered (which will require a lot of time off work that I can't afford)

So, do I go to the optometrist, who is legally obligated to inform the government if I am no longer "fit" to drive? She may come up with a solution but the risk is still there. I want my eyesight fixed but could loose everything if my license is taken. I would be forced to drive illegally.

Has anyone ever heard of an optometrist really pulling a drivers license?

I'm only 27 and my 72 year old foreman has better vision than me.

Offline gerhed

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2009, 03:25:08 AM »
Tough one--Life changing event.
I'd say do more research about what an optometrist can actually do for you.
And then you've probably got to go to 'em.
I know the driving (riding) privilege is important,
but in this instance it needs to be a secondary consideration.
Throw legalities out the window !
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2009, 03:58:23 AM »
I'm with Phil, eyes and sight too precious. If being outed is a problem, Hamilton is not too far. What about coming to the U.S. for the optometric evaluation at least?
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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 04:46:44 AM »
+1 on what bob said.

In the US an optometrist is not required to tell the DMV anything.

Sad to hear that your eyes are failing you....

-=≡ Soos ≡=-
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Offline my78k

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 07:28:07 AM »
WBC, I gotta me being able to see my family and friends would out weigh the down side of losing my license (if that was the outcome). Also, riding is inherently dangerous enough with good eyesight! I would hate to have you be in the right and still taken out since you missed that jerk pulling out in front of you!

Just something to consider...


P.S. I am sorry to hear of your problems! Hang in there man.

Offline rachet

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2009, 08:46:01 AM »
Your safety is more important to a lot of people then your ability to ride.  I understand your concerns of not being able to ride, but at least corrective surgery can fix your eye problem.  Last time I checked, there is no surgery to cure death...

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Offline azuredesign

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2009, 09:04:11 AM »
I'm really sorry to read about your trouble.

Well, I did a little reading and the corneal transplant procedure is the most common of all the transplant procedures, and has a 95% success rate in the long term treatment of keratoconus. looks like you'd be out of commission for a month to 6 weeks. It might be worth reconsidering this option, as not being able to see well enough to ride is bad enough, but in conjunction with all the other limitations imposed would be enough to consider how I could get this done. Doesn't your national insurance cover you during your convalescence? If I understand your avatar correctly, you're still a young guy. Getting it done now may have considerable less financial consequences than waiting for another few years until you're completely limited. I'd ask for a consult with the best opthamologist I could find.

Offline my78k

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2009, 09:49:29 AM »
Our health insurance (OHIP) would likely cover the surgery but it does not cover lost earnings. We do have Unemployment Insurance but the rules have gotten tougher to qualify. Would still be worth looking into though.


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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2009, 04:57:18 PM »
Damnit, that's terrible.

To put it bluntly, I would do what I could to get the cornea transplant. (on a side note, I used to do QC for the replacement interocular lenses, that they would likely be replacing your corneas with.) It is really the only long-term fix for your problem, and if you don't do it now, you'll just be doing it later.

Offline azuredesign

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2009, 04:59:37 PM »
Sorry I didn't discriminate between "riding" and "driving", and I'm not sure what you mean. In my neck of the woods, one drives a car and rides a bike, is that the distinction you were making?

Whatever the answer, I hope the technique you outlined will work for you.
All best,

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2009, 05:00:23 PM »
I, like everyone else here, am sad to hear about what you're going through.

I think what everyone else has said is sage advice.  Getting the problem fixed seems most important.

Would a month off from work really ruin you?  I'm not implying anything - just asking.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 05:06:37 PM by soichiro »
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Offline tramp

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Re: eyesight delemma
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2009, 05:31:11 AM »
money is fleeting
eyesight is forever
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