Author Topic: Stupid Ford Broncos  (Read 701 times)

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Offline mrblasty

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Stupid Ford Broncos
« on: April 03, 2009, 11:54:45 PM »
Got a call from a fiend the other day "My truck is making this scary noise."  Look at it find that one of the radius arm bushings is totally shot. No problem, a couple of hours and the bushing is in.  Test drive it and sure as #$%* CLUNK CLUNK every time I hit a bump.  So I solicit a second opinion.  He suggest looking into the differential, the rear needed service anyway so off comes the diff cover out comes the sludge and I look over and spot the well oiled tire, out comes the Axle and that's when the helper dude spots the 1/8" deep gouge in the axle end, stupid bearing cage had broken and whittled the axle down.  I love it when you offer to help someone out and all of the sudden you end up with a two ton hemorrhoid.
All right enough pissing and moaning.
I farted and made my son cry.
1973 Honda CB 750
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Offline Steve F

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2009, 04:27:50 AM »
With the axle seal bad, now you have a brake job ahead of you  :D  I HATE working on anything with more than 3 wheels!

Offline rbmgf7

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2009, 05:45:57 AM »
the axle seal wore out on the f150 and all the fluid drained  out the side. didn't notice it until i heard whining coming from the back. so one day i popped the cover off and the sludge plus metal shavings came oozing out. the ring gears teeth were worn down and as sharp as knives, yikes!

Offline 74cb750

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 07:17:24 AM »
so, did you get it all fixed?
How much did you get offered? ie, did the dude at least give you something for your time?
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Offline mrblasty

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 11:08:30 AM »
Well It's not together yet, Still scrounging for an axle, got the bearing,seal and brake shoes in hand, will know more in an hour or two about the axle.
I farted and made my son cry.
1973 Honda CB 750
1975 GL 1000
1975 Yamaha XS650 The Swamp Donkey

Offline mrblasty

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 01:49:21 AM »
Bye Bye stupid Bronco
I farted and made my son cry.
1973 Honda CB 750
1975 GL 1000
1975 Yamaha XS650 The Swamp Donkey

Offline tramp

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 05:29:18 AM »
can you weld the crack?
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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 05:33:48 AM »
Been there and done that. Almost every day, on all types of vehicles
Aint auto mechanics fun? It's good that you knew the owner. Regular customers usually never understand when they get that "second call". Driveability problems on late model stuff can be even more fun. Or, better yet, the "it's not doing it now" line. Nothin like an automotive snipe hunt :)

Offline mrblasty

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 12:17:00 PM »
All said ans done the repairs cost $215.00 Thats parts, chemicals, and shop rent.  We did the work at the auto hobby shop on the airforce base, that was a huge help seein as niether of us has a garage and there is still an ass load of snow on the ground up here.  Oh yeah I got a thank you for my time.  I think this was the last time I just help someone out with something this big.
I farted and made my son cry.
1973 Honda CB 750
1975 GL 1000
1975 Yamaha XS650 The Swamp Donkey

Offline fastbroshi

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Re: Stupid Ford Broncos
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2009, 08:06:19 AM »
  I hear that.  I used to hang out at the auto hobby shop w/ my s10 blazer 4X4.  Not like I wanted to, but the damn thing had been so neglected.  I figured wtf, it's got a new motor, right?  Wrong. 
  So my Marine buddies knew I was something of a gearhead, and when they hear that you know something about cars they just bring you anthing w/ a motor... Let's see, I swear I did 5 year's of maintenance on my gunny's 5.0, replaced the axle bearings on my buddy's Nissan 4X4, the list goes on.  But it was worth it to me because I got to work on different types of vehicles and see how they went together and spread some knowledge to some people who were clueless.
  On that note, I went to see the newest Fast and Furious movie, and here's a snippet of the conversation that went on behind me. 
  "So, I bought it knowing I was going to replace the motor (talking about a '96 Camaro he's just gotten that overheated on the way home)."
  "What are you going to replace it with?"
  "LS-1 V6, they're badass.  I'll probably put a six speed and ceramic heads on it, they run real cool and should help with the overheating".
  I wanted to turn around and f with him, but it would've been too easy. 
  Anyway, back on topic.  Bottom line, those military base auto hobby shops are totally worth it!!
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