Are you using early or late model carbs?
Thanks Mike, I'm using what I believe are '76 750F carbs. I don't know where to look for identifying #'s on them so I'm just going by physical appearance. Sirius has main jets, 105 thru 120, available in a package. Right now I've got sets of 105,115,120,and 130's. No source for idle jets.
Hmmmm.... 400.00 is awful steep Sean. I have fuel maps made for fuel injected bikes and it is between 200.00 to 250.00. The carbs do take more time as you have to physically change jets, needle height etc. If the operator knows what he is doing he should be able to get it close quickly. You will need to bring jets no matter who you use.
Yeah, $400 sounded pretty high to me too. Right now I'm just asking people I know, but I'll probably whip out the phone book this weekend and start calling shops.
I can send you some dyno chart pics with the AF chart.
That'd be great! Then all I'd need to get is the book that desribes what that is
The Dyno tuning falls in with the cam degreeing I just did i.e. I have no clue but I'm gonna do it anyway, yes sir! The cam degreeing made complete sense once I actually did it and I expect the Dyno to be the same. I just want to come prepared.