FACT: My federal UN subsidized stafford loan interest was NOT paid by the feds nor is it for anyone I know. If you are going to claim your interest was paid, you better put on what type of loan you had as there are many. I was in school just a couple years ago and it was full time and I went year round.
As for my other points, I fail to see where you covered them. Base line is that states run their colleges and universities different. Private schools are just that, and thus set their own regulations.
So, you didn't get the right loan. That's your problem. http://www.scholarships-ar-us.org/loans/guaranteed.htm
We are talking about poor people here, so your points about private school are irrelevant. Being out of state is also irrelevant. Whatever state you live in has insanely cheap public colleges, just like NY, if not cheaper. Do your state's research yourself, I've done mine. Either way, even out of state students can attend CUNY at a still ridiculously low cost, while they establish residency. Lots of non-Americans go to CUNY because it is cheap and they can get their student visas, etc.
In short, there are no reasons for not going to college if you want to, no matter how poor you are in the USA. So there's one less thing to whine about.
I'm done.
Ed, you are living in the 70's. Nice bike by the way. There is a big shake up and scandal in Student Loans I was in the Loan business for a while till I got an honest job. Aide officers were getting paid off for steering students to the Stafford Loan which has been perverted. Here is a list of the CUNY schools which are mostly in neighborhoods I fought my way out of. With open admissions every dude that wants parole instead of time, he enrolls to "better his life and turn it around".
The degree and certificate program level offerings for each college and stand alone school are noted as follows: 1-Associate, 2-Baccalaureate, 3-Masters, 4-Doctoral, 5-Certificate, 6-Advanced Certificate.
ocated in The Bronx
* Bronx Community College 1 5
* Hostos Community College 1 5
* Lehman College 2 3 5 6
Located in Brooklyn
* Brooklyn College 2 3 5 6
* Kingsborough Community College 1 5
* Medgar Evers College 1 2 5
* NYC College of Technology 1 2 5
Located in Manhattan
* Baruch College 2 3 6
* Borough of Manhattan Community College 1 5
* The City College of New York (CCNY) 2 3 5 6
* CCNY Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Educ 2
* The Graduate Center 2 3 4 6
* CUNY Graduate School of Journalism 3
* Hunter College 2 3 6
* John Jay College of Criminal Justice 1 2 3 5
Located in Queens
* LaGuardia Community College 1 5
* Queens College 2 3 6
* Queensborough Community College 1 5
* CUNY School of Law 4
* York College 2 3 5
Located on Staten Island
* College of Staten Island 1 2 3 6
Multi Location and Virtual
* William E. Macaulay Honors College 2
* CUNY School of Professional Studies 2 6
* CUNY Baccalaureate Program 2
* Online Baccalaureate 2
I see a lot of of AS and Certificates. Not a lot of BA or MAs. It is stupid expensive to send your kid to a decent School. Unless you are dirt poor, you will pay, and it hurts coming out of you nose. The U.S. does a piss poor job of educating. We are really good at other things, but here we fall down. Our High School Graduation rate on a good year never tops 75% . Of that only 60% go n to College. Only 60% of the kids entering College, get a Degree. So if you have a BA you are about 3% of the population. Our literacy rate is lower than Trinadad.
This is not U.S. bashing I was born here, fought over there, will die here, but I have to be honest about our Education system. For the richest most powerful Nation in World history to date, it is a disgrace. I really wish the World was as you see it.