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Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #150 on: April 15, 2009, 12:06:44 PM »
one last driver needed for the audio...  anyone?  hopefully, i find it before you do.   :P ;D
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Offline mlinder

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #151 on: April 15, 2009, 12:23:00 PM »
I'll find it after a bit :)

Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #152 on: April 15, 2009, 02:53:26 PM »
got it!   8)
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #153 on: April 15, 2009, 03:31:25 PM »
I wave fondly to xp, same with 98 but unless I had absolutely no choice, they are the past for me.
I LIKE windows 7. The beta has been very stable for me, on an old system to boot.

Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #154 on: May 05, 2009, 10:05:19 AM »
After having dumped Vista successfully on these two office computers and running XP for a few weeks now... I can honestly say.

Vista is a piece of #$%*! 

These computers are running far faster and more reliably, no glitches, no software incompatibility issues, no maxing out the processor constantly, just plain old XP running flawlessly.

ok... bring on the heat!  I'm ready for your flame war! 
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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #155 on: May 05, 2009, 10:17:35 AM »
We are running Windows 7, has been nice. It's much better than vista. I still run XP (and ubuntu) on my home computers.

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #156 on: May 05, 2009, 10:48:17 AM »
Vista sucks ass.  XP is much better (now anyhow - it sucked when it launched too I seem to recall) and Windows 7 is pretty nice - kind of in the middle from a performance perspective.

Unless you're running very recent hardware (minimum Core-2-Duo, 2GB RAM etc.) I'd stick with XP.  I've tried all three at home and am using XP.  I did like Windows 7 though, and there's a new release of it out which is a 'Release Candidate'.

When I switch OS's, I always always do a complete format and install.  Upgrading/downgrading is useless IMHO.
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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #157 on: May 05, 2009, 12:01:19 PM »
I'm inclined to try windows 7 before giving up and going to Apple, but if I do am I going to have compatibility issues with the 10,000 dollars in software that I'm running?

Sorry to jack the thread.. but sense we are on the subject....

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #158 on: May 05, 2009, 12:10:50 PM »
Depends on when the and how the software was written. Do you know if it works on vista now? If not, have you checked to see if the writer has made a patch? Windows 7 seems to have a very good compatibility mode on it. Even better then vistas.

Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #159 on: May 05, 2009, 12:16:24 PM »

Sorry to jack the thread.. but sense we are on the subject....

not a problem... the reason this thread was started has come and gone.  computers are up and running so now we can sit back and bash Microflaccid. 
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Offline mlinder

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #160 on: May 05, 2009, 12:21:41 PM »
Windows 7 is supposed to have far superior backwards compatability to Vista. Haven't run into anything I haven't been able to install, so far.

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #161 on: May 05, 2009, 01:17:49 PM »
When I set up my 7 beta, the board I used had no drivers for vista. Using the compatibility tool. I gat everything, even the raid controller, to install. the only thing a bit goofy is an old creative live card and well, that is probably more creatives fault than anything.


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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #162 on: May 05, 2009, 01:43:15 PM »
Depends on when the and how the software was written. Do you know if it works on vista now? If not, have you checked to see if the writer has made a patch? Windows 7 seems to have a very good compatibility mode on it. Even better then vistas.

After an aditional 600 bucks and 60 hours on tech support it works on vista... Then they came out with the next eddition that worked on vista. :P

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #163 on: May 05, 2009, 02:08:42 PM »
win 2k and suse linux for me. I have an XP boot on 2 machines as well, but never seem to use it except w/ the laptop I am on now (the wife's....)
I poop on Vista
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Offline mlinder

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #164 on: May 05, 2009, 02:19:05 PM »
win 2k and suse linux for me. I have an XP boot on 2 machines as well, but never seem to use it except w/ the laptop I am on now (the wife's....)
I poop on Vista

I really like suse. I think I'm gonna install it on another machine to play with it. It feels and looks so nice.

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #165 on: May 06, 2009, 01:40:24 AM »
I won't touch Vista. XP is the only way to go and I was reluctant to go to XP from 98 until the wrinkles were ironed out. I never even touched ME.
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #166 on: May 06, 2009, 06:49:36 AM »
I guess I fail to see why people dislike vista so much. Sure it was rocky but then EVERY os is. osx10.5 has been out for a little over a year now and there are now 6 major updates to it because there were serious issues at first. Linux is constantly evolving and trying to correct issues while having other issues.
XP had plenty of issues too. Remember xp did away with DOS and a lot of software did not like that.
Vistas biggest issue was 2 things. Bad PR screw ups and poor driver support. WOW the driver issue happened with xp didn't it. The other issue was people trying to put vista on crappy old hardware and then #$%*in cause it didnt work. See people seemed to miss the vista capable and vista compatible tags.
Capable meant the basic requirements to run vista WITHOUT the special features such as aero and DX10.
Compatible means you can run the full vista system. Many did not read this or ignored it. And for some, I suppose it was misleading if you didn't ask questions. I never had issues but then I checked things out.

One thing I really find funny is that people think MS should support software that is how many years old. WHY? I run into programs all the time on OSX that will work on 10.4 but not 10.5 or programs the NEED 10.5 to work. Programs such as protools. The latest version has to run on 10.5. Apple has lousy long term software support but that is ok?

My opinion with vista is that its only issue is that people do not want to learn a new system. this extends to businesses too. Those that do everything they can to keep old software when there is probably something newer that would work better. I know a person that uses software written for 3.1. She just HAS to have it even though it is old and flaky and slow. She just does not want to take a day to learn a new one. people only like change when they initiate it I suppose.

750cafe, why 2k?Stable sure but never was fast. MS also do not patch it anymore. you are running a system that is full of holes and less safe then xp is. I hope you are using suse for everything. Your computer would thank you if it could!

I guess people can use what they want but they should admit they do it because of personal choice. Vista is a personal choice for me to an extent but after restoring boot tables on ntldr on xp and previous, and then bootmgr on vista. Vista is much better.
I just feel that people need to keep an open mind and stop comparing vista to xp when they first use it. Especially since service pack 1 came out. That was a big boost.

I know I sound pushy and crabby about this but so many have the wrong idea about vista. People get vista from dell and such and it is slow. Well of course it is when these companies put on all THEIR software. If you remove all their junk(NOT MS fault) the pc is much faster.
People can use what they want. I am just saying that vista is better to me than xp is. Most people that I know have switched after giving vista a fair shake and learning it. most of these people are desktop support and network admins.
With what I have seen of windows 7, aside from the hardheaded never change system people, I think it will be BIG.

But I would like to know what "bugs" vista people think vista has.

Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #167 on: May 06, 2009, 08:56:55 AM »
vinman (eldar  ;D )...
i don't think vista is terribly buggy... but i did get a lot of blue screens from vista while i have yet to see one now that xp is on those machines.
also, the machine was MAXING OUT constantly.  vista is a resource hog and don't give me the "well its the computer" crap either.  a person buys the computer they can afford and if vista won't run reliably on a modern system (even if it is bottom line) then the OS is not doing what it is supposed to, my opinion.  the same machine with XP runs, on average, at 85% less.
my biggest problem was that the most important piece of software we need to run was incompatible w/ vista unless it was a 32 bit system.  yes, i am aware that is a fault of the software.
i used those vista systems for a while and i didn't like the set up either... i'm not a diehard no-change type of person... i just didn't like the setup.

the vista systems took 10 minutes to start up sometimes... with XP they take 1
the vista systems took 2 minutes to start up some programs... with XP it is nearly instantaneous
the vista systems got extraordinarily slow running multiple programs... with XP i'm not having that problem

you're not talking me out of it.   ;)
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #168 on: May 06, 2009, 09:16:33 AM »
It is not the pc, well it could be. My old sytem running windows 7 takes about the same amount of time a new dell system(optiplex 755) does to boot. A few months ago, I still had an old socket A set up and ran xp on it. It booted faster.
I say this as the hardware makes a HUGE difference. It is not all about ram and cpu. If you have a lousy board, things slow down a lot. Also, a lot of new computers use slow ram unless you spend a crap load of money on something Dell's xps machines. And like I said, the software added by those companies really sucks things down.
My 2 year old laptop with vista takes about 2 minutes to boot and that is including a number of different programs with only 1G ram. If I axe those programs, the time is about a minute or so.
I know a guy who's vista boots in under 30 seconds. He does have a raptor drive though which spins at 10,000 rpm. But another guy has an amd phenom with a regular 7200 sata drive and he gets under a minute.

See what you have to understand is dell and the others create an image with all THEIR software on it and then it gets dumped on lines of machines. This process is not always 100%
I would be willing to bet that if you had formatted the pc and had a clean install, your experience would have been different. No you should not have to do that, but it is no fault of vistas that dell, hp, gateway, and the rest do that.

And for cripes sakes, would people stop referring to me as eldar, if I wanted to be him, I would us his name. :P

Offline heffay

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #169 on: May 06, 2009, 09:29:27 AM »
i was just messin'... cuz its just so fun!   ;D

yep... clean installs are kinda difficult when they don't give you the stupid disk.
btw... little secret... i got microflaccid's xp from azureus.  YAR!
it has a little windohs validation removal tool with it.
so no... i don't need them to support my product anymore... thank you.   ;)
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #170 on: May 06, 2009, 10:41:07 AM »
Ah you got kicked by the no disk "option". I hate that, absolutely hate it.

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #171 on: May 06, 2009, 12:02:00 PM »
For the xp hanger ons!  ;D,2845,2346532,00.asp

now it is still beta but it sounds promising I think.


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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #172 on: May 08, 2009, 12:22:25 AM »
so far, my only complaint about vista is that it asks me if i'm sure i want to do whatever it is i'm getting ready to do. i have a machine with plenty of memory (4 gigs) and a duo core processor. only thing i had on the old xp based laptop that wouldnt work with vista was the anti-virus program (nod 32) and i was able to get the proper version for vista with no problems. on my gaming desktop i'm starting to piece together i'll be going with xp (i have a corporate edition with unlimited keys) as i want an OS that doesnt use quite so much memory as vista. i was just remembering my first pc (called ibm compatible back then) it was a hot, fast 386 with a 120 meg hard drive and 1 meg of ram, running windows 3.11. my FIRST computer (which i still have) was a radio shack color computer (co-co) it had a cassete tape external storage drive.

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #173 on: May 08, 2009, 06:39:13 AM »
Well you can always turn off the uac. Defeats its purpose but then its purpose is more for those with little computer skills.

I remember using an old ADAM machine. BEFORE 3.1! All it had was a tape drive and floppy 5.25 I think.

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Re: stupid stupid vista
« Reply #174 on: May 08, 2009, 08:51:28 AM »
commodore 64 and apple 2e were my firsts.

gawd I loved Rad Skate and Miner 49er for the commodore 64 !   ;D

man, i think i'll just dump XP now too!... goin' back to the good ol' days of 5 pound modems.   ;D
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