...... I can't comment on Gran Torino, I haven't seen it yet. But, since others are commenting on Eastwood, try this one that is fairly rare....
It's called White Hunter, Black Heart. I was pretty much used to seeing Eastwood in spaghetti westerns....... hadn't seen him in much else.
Then I saw White Hunter, Black Heart. Freaked me out....... he had more dialogue in this than in any movie he had ever been in. I will not say that it is a great movie, but I will say that he did his best acting that I have ever seen. It is the true story of old time director John Huston when he went to Africa to film Bogart & Hepburn in The African Queen. Huston had an obsession to hunt elephant, and did not care what the consequences were (I remember reading that in the making of The African Queen, someone had died)........ near the beginning of the movie, Huston charges a Holland & Holland double barrel rifle to Warner Brothers (or whoever the film company was). Nowadays, the latest, cheapest Holland & Holland I know of is something like $60,000 smackers.
At any rate, Huston has a remarkably distinct voice (African natives said that he speaks like a monkey). Eastwood speaks just like Huston throughout the movie........... no small feat in itself. I don't say it's a great movie, but if you want to see Eastwood acting at his best........ this is it.
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~