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Offline babyfood1217

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I just need to vent and I...
« on: May 21, 2009, 07:39:11 PM »
... don't necessarily want to talk to anyone in person, so I'll apologize for run-on sentences and poor grammar as applicable. :)

I'm in the process of moving and I hate it. The roommates (both good friends, broke off a two year relationship with one around christmas time, but still living with her) went down to philly this week after convincing me that we had until next week to be out, but tuesday night, just a few hours after they left, guess who got a phonecall saying "Oops, we were wrong.  Saturday our lease is up."  Okay.  #$%*yy means for a stupid busy week end and weekend of cleaning sorting and consolidating my life.  God I hate moving.  I keep telling myself that I really needs this, or I can still use that, or maybe I can find someone who can use that, or I can save all that stuff over there and scrap it or take it in to goodwill or something.  Now, here I am sitting with a fresh new contract to a 10x15 shipping container/storage unit because the place I'm moving back to is my parents (see next paragraph for explanation) and they don't have the room for all of my #$%*.  That's what most of it is too... #$%*!  Being a packrat is bad enough, but being an artist on top of that is worse, and then I've got the stuff for my cb, and even yet, all the crap for my other hobbies.  I had every intention of packing my entire life into my truck and on my small 7' trailer, but no.  Damnit.

So I'm moving back to my parents.  I'll be there until the end of June, which is when I fly over to england until mid August, and then I'm back with them until I figure out what's next.  Torn between the grad school pursuit and just finding another "job" that allows me to make my own work and get done things I want to do.  I'll be setting up a tiny jewelers bench at their place so I can hopefully get a little bit of work done before I leave, but once overseas, I am guaranteed 14 hr days.  Love it, wouldn't trade it, but I just want a break.  I want to finish my motorcycle.  I want to go cross country and see the friends and place I've been longing for.  I want a job that doesn't make me sad (yes, I am happy and fortunate to have one right now.  Don't get me started on that)  I want to wake up and spend day after day in my studio making my own work.  I want to... not have to move my life.  :(  Hate moving. 

What I'm going to do?  I'm going to drink a beer or two, make some rice smothered in schiracha and peanut sauce, and pack 6 more boxes, go to bed, and take another load of my life to a steel box with a padlock before I have to start work at 6. 

I love SOHC and all you peoples.  You just helped me vent :)


I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
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Offline Chester345

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 07:45:29 PM »

I just drank a beer to your success in finding what you seek, and to make the road as smooth as it needs to be to get you there.  (it's unlikely smoothness will get you to happiness, but that doesn't mean the journey is useless, don't ask me how I know this)


Offline gregimotis

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 09:10:36 PM »
I'm starting a beer right now to your success in finding...  well to be honest I was starting the beer anyway but I'm glad to give you credit.

I moved a lot when I was younger and could always either get it all into my car or could throw things out until the rest fit.  I liked living like that at the time.  However, now that I'm older I sometimes wish I'd kept some of those things I threw out.
Next time you're looking through your stuff and remembering old times, thank yourself for making moving harder than it had to be.
"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2009, 09:19:54 PM »
Chris, I'll be finishing work for the week in about an hours time and off home for a well earned sleep.
I normally have a drink before I sleep but today I have things to do and wasn't going to bother.
You've just messed up my plans ;D ;D ;D ;D I'llhave a drink to you in the hope that it helps you through this difficult time.
Make sure you contact me when you get over here.

Sam. ;)
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Offline scunny

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2009, 09:27:27 PM »
nah, you go to bed Sam, I'll have a drink for Chris. shifting is hell.
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Offline Sam Green Racing

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2009, 09:55:02 PM »
You don't need an excuse to go to the pub, don't know why you dont just move your bed in there ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Tell you what,  let's both have a drink to Chris. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sam. ;)
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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2009, 09:59:10 PM »
I feel for you. It' probably a very pivotal point in in your life, and what it is and what you envision it to be.

Sounds to me like it's time to grab your balls and jump. That's what my friends used to say I did when when I started a new business. Most people can't make the jump, thus there are people who work for themselves and those employed by the 1st bit ;D

My advice based on what little I have read, is that you should start some research into Communities that are art driven and follow your passions. You can get a dumb job for a while and figure out how their system works. "trust me there are unwritten rules in these small groups"  

The Island I live on"Gabriols"  is called the "Isle of the Art"s, the art community works together quite well, and between online with tourists knowing this before hand and bringing money.

There are communities in the Sates that are the same.........Small townish, but with a great ART support system already built in.

Just a thought.  ;)

Good luck in your travels.

P.S. You didn't even have to take me to lunch ;D

Offline babyfood1217

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2009, 10:28:58 PM »
Yeah, I'm hoping its' just the stupid moving situation that's getting me in a funk.  I've never gotten "unexcited" about making my work or sharing it with others, but sometimes I just want to stop and take a breath and ignore everything for a while.  We have all been there on more than one occasion I can imagine.  I guess I'm there right now. poop.
I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
GSXR forks, Monoshock Rear end, 836 in progress, RC51 pipes, custom frame and everything else.

Offline tramp

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2009, 03:27:36 AM »
just started my own business at 55
if your young enough do what you like and make a run at it
better than working all your like at something you don't love to do
1974 750k

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2009, 07:02:20 AM »
I had a couple gins for ya, babyfood.

I, too, have been on a non-stop fackin roller coaster ride since I woke up in, uh, October. Only thing you can do is prioritize all these #$%*ing tasks, and start with the most important first, don't take on more of them you can handle at a time, and do your best. They'll get done, and you'll have pulled through.

Offline goon 1492

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2009, 09:25:50 AM »
JUst remember brother that its these things that will build personality, and good stories when you hit 50. Your an artist so when it is your time to shine be ready because it can be fast when you get there, if you are going over the pond then this will help you become more culturalized, I traveled all over this beautiful country of ours and it helped me alot, still wish I could see the other side of the pond for myself.
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Offline ChrisR

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2009, 10:33:16 AM »
If you've got the opportunity to travel and explore places you've always wanted to see and absorb influences that will seep into your work, then I'd take it - think of it as an investment in your future. As a creative person it's important to keep looking around you.
I collaborate with my wife in our artwork and we worked out that for the first 12 years we were together we either moved our residence or studio every year. It seemed like a real pain at the time (actually, after 12 years it didn't just 'seem' like a pain!) but helped us move on in other areas. Like seaweb says, take a chance - you probably won't regret it.
We're in Kent, England - if you come through our way this summer and need anything or just fancy a beer let us know.
cheers Chris
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Offline Blasbo

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2009, 12:58:05 PM »
Sometimes you just need to vent...
I understand about the moving part. We made an offer on a house but in order to do that we have to sell our house but to do that we have to get it organized and put stuff in storage and give some to Goodwill and finish up most of the projects that have been going on for years in the next week and try to keep the house clean with two kids messing it up faster than we can clean it and then if we DO sell we will have to pack and move and we have our stuff in the attic, plus my mother-in-laws stuff (she lives with us) stuff inherited from my Mom and from my Dad then move all that stuff in to the new house and start all over again with the projects!
Worst of all I don't have ANY time to work on the bike!
Yeah, it feels good to vent.
But I am looking forward to the new place. It has a carport for the vehicles and a one car garage that will be all mine for a shop.
Change is a pain in the @$$ sometimes and it can be scary but most of the time it works out better than if you stayed where you were.

Offline babyfood1217

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2009, 04:47:52 PM »
One big stick in the eye is this.  So my level of activity on this board fluxuates, and I'm in an upswing which is really exciting.  But at the same time I'm kicking myself for once again making my bike mobile in the only way it knows how...

I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
GSXR forks, Monoshock Rear end, 836 in progress, RC51 pipes, custom frame and everything else.

Offline gerhed

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2009, 05:12:39 PM »
One big stick in the eye is this.  So my level of activity on this board fluxuates, and I'm in an upswing which is really exciting.  But at the same time I'm kicking myself for once again making my bike mobile in the only way it knows how...

The machine looks good--don't sell it--I find old motorcycles to be grounding--comforting things.
What shocks are those ?
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Offline bender01

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2009, 07:13:49 PM »
Cheer up at least you can still eat that red rooster(schiracha) sauce and travel ;D
75 550 K1
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So, the strategy is to lie to people you are asking for help?

I think I'll be busy going for a ride.

Good luck!
Two Tired Quote !

Offline babyfood1217

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2009, 08:03:20 PM »
The machine looks good--don't sell it--I find old motorcycles to be grounding--comforting things.
What shocks are those ?

Oh god no.  This things goes to the grave with me.  They are YSS, purchased from EUrban a while ago and yet to be ridden.  I got them specifically for this project.

Cheer up at least you can still eat that red rooster(schiracha) sauce and travel ;D

Hells yeah!  Rooster!
I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
GSXR forks, Monoshock Rear end, 836 in progress, RC51 pipes, custom frame and everything else.

Offline babyfood1217

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2009, 11:13:40 PM »
... and on a brighter note, gathering some patience and going through ones "stuff" can be, well, nice.  I'm trying to be smart about my downsizing, progressively saving only the things which are unique.  Like the old rotary fan I just placed in the goodwill pile.  It is from the 50's, cast iron and steel construction, wrinkle paint like all good/old things should have, powerful.  Now, while I appreciate the character that this fan has, I found it in the sculpture studio and took it home.  Hardly used it.  But I liked it.  Now, being able to look through piles and boxes of things like this can be frustrating, because letting go of things means realizing that people are truly attached to things, and while we can argue and justify our packrat lifestyles, I guess I am feeling the need to unload/unburden myself from everything.  I often boast of the education provided by my undergraduate institution for it trained exceptionally well at achieving the things we wanted, regardless of what tooling, processes, materials, or other resources we did or didn't have.  I don't need all this garbage, and while I can learn to do without it, choosing the few things a person might actually hang on to is an arduous task.  This stuff has been part of my life for... how long?

Plus side:  I keep coming across more cb750 bits! yay yay yay!

I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
GSXR forks, Monoshock Rear end, 836 in progress, RC51 pipes, custom frame and everything else.

Offline burmashave

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Re: I just need to vent and I...
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2009, 05:23:55 AM »
Bummer, Chris. I hate moving, and each time I do it, I wonder why I do it, but then again, each time I move opens up into something new. As many times as I've moved, I have enjoyed every new place and the people I find. It's the moving part that stinks in a big way. Good on ya for getting storage, I've done that more than once while in transition.

As far as grad school goes, one thing to consider is that an economic downturn is a good time to be in school. You won't be missing out on lots of economic opportunities, and by the time you are finished with grad school, the economy should be running stronger.

Venting is quite O.K. And why does it not surprise me that you are an artist, given your cool avatar? Would it be grad school for studio art?
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'77 CB750k