Fuzzy, glad to see another Mead Maker out there, lol.
I have been making Mead with a friend for about 6 years now and we currently have 20 gallons ready for bottling. 10 gallons of which have only aged about a year or so but the other 2 Carboys have been aging for much longer, one for almost 2 years and the last one for over three. Two Carboys are plain, the oldest and one of the youngsters, the 2 year is spice and the other youngster is a berry, I think strawberry or raspberry.
As soon as they got done fermenting out we decanted into cleaned carboys after filtering so they could age unmolested. We bottle usually but we haven't found a good supplier for the Flip top bottles we use and buying Grolsch bottles from Ebay is even more expensive than buying from a brewery store.
I can't wait to start bottling the 3 year old Mead, for the way we make it 3 years is about the minimum aging we like to do. When you make Mead, you find that it will never go vinegar and in our experience it always gets better with age, no exceptions. I just finished off my last bottle of our very first batch from February 2003 and it was like drinking honey flavored silk, it aged out beautifully and probably the best Mead I have had so far.
We also have a new website we just started called
www.themeadmakers.com but we have a lot of work to do on it before we get it up and going. Eventually we hope to have tons of links to everything from honey and yeast suppliers we prefer to bottling and fermenters. There will also be a whole section for our recipes, including our Signature Rose Mead. Another aspect of Mead Making we will venture into is producing Webinars for as many episodes as we can make covering all aspects of making mead including different recipes as well as different styles including a wonderful sparkling Mead that dances joyfully in the mouth. I will let you all know when we get it really rolling.