Yeah, let's use a billion dollar sub shooting million dollar torpedoes to take out some teenagers in a $1000 fishing skiff powered by a cheap Chinese outboard. It is tens of thousands of square miles of ocean used by thousands of ships. How many billions do you want to spend to deal with what is really a minor problem despite all the media hullabaloo. Most of this shipping is not even destined for the U.S. As far as I'm concerned it's not our problem. Let China, Japan, Russia, and Europe deal with protecting their cargoes. Setting aside all issues of right and wrong, from a purely economic perspective it's cheaper just to pay off the pirates. That is what the shipping companies have been doing for years only now it's a big deal because the media finally decided to pay attention after a U.S. vessel was involved. The only real solution is to bring about some kind of stability to the failed nation of Somalia. Many of these guys where fisherman until Somalia was unable to enforce it's maritime boundaries and international fishing fleets strip mined it's waters and other countries/corporations used the waters for a dumping ground for toxic waste.
Most of this activity used to take place in the more restricted waters of the Gulf of Aden. The U.S. Navy along with others organized convoys and stepped up patrolling so the pirates just moved out into the Indian Ocean which is more difficult to patrol.
Aw geez! I agree, lets not spend alot of time and effort dealing with these kooks. how'bout next time this happens, I will personally shell out, from my own pocket .79cents x(3) for bullets and be done with it already. As a matter of fact, send me the bill for the last three rounds. If & when it happens again, just let me know. Better yet, add it to my taxes. As for Somalia's stability, screw them!!! Why should a private shipping company have to worry about every failing nation along their route, let alone their problems. We don't owe them anything. True, the only reason this story gets coverage is because it happened beneath my(our) flag involving U.S. citizens. I find that news worthy enough. I just don't find myself so concerned right now with the particulars of Somalia as a failed nation. If we can't defend ourselves against these terrorists, then who will? The terrorist/pirates engaged first. If they want to play, then bring it. I declare; shipping will continue and terrorists will be dealt with accordingly.