In addition to any responses you get here, make sure you do a good amount of research on the internet, too. Oh wait, this is the internet...
Anyway, you know what I mean.
Look on websites like epinions and check on Amazon and read any reviews posted by people who have this camera, if you haven't already.
Here's what it says in my 2009 Consumer Reports Buying Guide:
Image Quality - Good
First shot delay - Fair
Next shot delay - Very Good
Versatility - Excellent
Max ISO with best quality - 200
Dynamic range - Very Good
They scored it a 67 out of 100, which is in the "Very Good" range, but it's the second to last in its category.
One thing to consider is its video capabilities. Technology has gotten to the point that many point-and-shoot digital cameras take very good quality video as well. If that's something you think you'd make use of, then it's something to keep in mind.