Author Topic: Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?  (Read 1490 times)

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Offline chippyfive50

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Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?
« on: April 18, 2009, 06:21:02 AM »

I am a week away from firing up my K4 topend rebuild (which turned into a total restore :o)
What have you guys found in you own experience??   Run it hard first thing?
I have new rings and a very light hone..
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Offline MRieck

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Re: Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 06:36:46 AM »
I wouldn't beat the crap out of it but you need to build some cylinder pressure to seat the rings. Vary your speed and do some throttle really pushes the rings into the walls. Change your oil after 100 miles or so. The big thing is don't let it get to hot (like stuck in a traffic jam hot).
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Offline TheHun

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Re: Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 06:38:32 AM »
Thats the way I broke in all my cars including my supercharged mustang...the best way... :)

Just remember you do not have to "beat it" to break it in.

Don't wide open throttle, but rather ease into the acceleration. Most of your engine is broken in within the first 10 minutes, you MUST change your oil after that
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 06:40:33 AM by TheHun »
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Offline bwaller

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Re: Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 06:56:51 AM »
I have had negative results with full synthetic on break-in.

My personal break-in procedure.

1) Assembly lube
2) 1 drop of oil on each side of each skirt, dry rings, dry bore.
3) Start engine and rev to half redline & hold for thirty seconds.
4) Let cool then take a twenty mile ride.
5) Change oil & filter....done & done.

Fifteen years ago I rebuilt my K3 and switched to full syn. for the didn't. Tore it down again, deglazed, used same rings, used regular oil and above procedure and it uses no oil.

I know, I know you need to be a quack right? Or big gonads.

Offline Soos

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Re: Engine Break In>> What do you Pros think?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 07:49:30 AM »
I've seen that website posted on SOHC before from others asking the same Q. as you.

Yeah with the newest latest greatest ring technology, and better cylinder materials and hone patterns, yeah.
In other words, what you get with a newer car re-build.
Or a old car motor with new technology rings.

On these old hondas we don't use chrome liners, nikasil linings, or any fancy rings.
Most still have cast iron rings.
OK, the 1000cc kits APE is making for 1000cc's might use nikasil linings(??) and that would be the exception pretty much IMO.

With the limited tech in the rings these SOHC motors use, the old metheod (IMO) is more appropriate.

ie: break it in gently, varying speed, no top RPM's for (100 miles is good IMO) a while, no WOT until past 100 miles etc....
But each mechanic will have their own version of a break in for older motors.

Now if you were running a 2008 whatsnot bike with x.xx litre motor being bored over, yeah you might want to follow that "break it in hard" method sue to the rings/pistons/bore material benefiting from more recent technology.

-=≡ Soos ≡=-
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