Bike is a 77 750f. Ran fine before taking apart and puting back together.
Carbs fully rebuilt and cleaned, check accel pump. 125 mains, currently running 2 turns out on A/F screw
Mods: pods and a supertrapp muffler, kingkustom wiring diagram (eliminated signals and markers also removed diode). NOT running a choke cable or a push throttle cable.
Motor was not taken apart, OEM ignition system, new battery, starter solenoid and rectifier are good
Problem: Bike idles fine but falls flat on its face after releasing clutch when the bike is on the ground.
when the bike is off the ground it runs through all the gears fine.
Also when I have the butterflies on the carbs shut the bike runs better. when the butterflies are wide open on full throttle pull the bike chokes and stalls out
Pulled the plugs, the bike is running rich