In the Spirit of JS550's Post about Musicians, I Ask in turn if any of you Home Brew your Beer?
I have been home brewing for just about 6 years now.
I have been Partial Mash Brewing so far and i just finished welding up a 100,000 BTU propane gas jet burner to bring to boil a 15 gallon keg for my first full mash brew. I just need to finish TIG-ing up my conical fermentor and I will be ready to brew! 30 Lbs. of Door County Cherries have been waiting in my freezer for 3 months now!
My best beer to date is a Double Chocolate Raspberry Stout. I managed to get a Lactobacillus growing in her and it tasted like a Framboise-Stout. Simply amazing!
If anyone is in the Chicago Area we could get together for a brew day.