Not to be a nay say-er, but it is a great idea. Except for the impression of motorcyclists as nasty stinky mean bikers. And that impression isn't being helped by TV and movies. Bicycles are green, clean, and so are the people who ride them. And I've mentioned this before, but just admit that you ride a motorcycle at a party. Statistically, 3% of the room will say "Cool, so do I". But the rest of them will spout out stories about friends or family who were maimed or killed on a bike, or how those infernal machines and their crazy riders zip in and out of traffic (cutting lanes) while they are stuck in traffic. That last one is, of course, a dig at those few sport bike riders that are making it tough for ALL the rest of us. But this whole phenomenon is an example of it being only human nature to remember the negative.
But a great idea.