my name is Maurizio, 51 years old, married with Carla, and I am an "old" new owner of a '76 Honda CB 750 F.
It was my father's bike, back in the seventies, and I drove it a few times when it was brand new (and I was barely eighteen), but I always have been an offroader...
Since my father left us in 1996, the bike was stored in a garage, and me and my wife decided on last September that it deserves to be used. I follow my wife's need to have a "cruise" bike, and when the old CB was trailed away from that garage, she really felt in love with it, also because it remembers us of my dad.
A quick "restoration" was done, consisting mainly in some washing, a cleaning of carburetors, tank and brakes, and the change of battery and all fluids and filters, as the bike had a little bit more than 2000 km on the clock.
So, now, after some typical Italian boring and time consuming bureaucratic procedures, the bike has become my almost daily driver, as the other rig in the stable is a mainly offroad biased KTM 690 enduro.
Now it's time for me to sit and read around in the forum.
Regards, Maurizio