I guess I cant say I want people to die from a disease. Yes I know the planet is over populated, but it is easy to be for a mass killing until it is a family member. I bet those of you for this would not want to see your kids die a slow painful death wondering why their parents could not save them. People for something like this should be taken out of the gene pool.
Have any of you bothered to check where 1/3rd of the worlds population is? Does china and India ring a bell? The US has probably about 400 million.
India - 1,147,995,904 JJuuuussstttt a few more people. Like 3 times the number.
China - 1,330,044,544 Remember when they were WAY ahead of everyone else? India is not far behind.
Earth - As of April 2009, the Earth's population is estimated to be about 6.77 billion.
So those TWO countries have 1 THIRD. The US is not the issue except people cluster in a few large cities.
Also the continent of europe has more people than the north american does.
So I will agree we need less people but I would rather see it from birth control as in limiting the number a kids a family can have. Sorry but we do not need an octo-mom or a another duggar family with 17 kids. Families should have no more than 2 kids. Population would slowly decrease as some people never have kids.
Certainly not a fast fix, but it would prevent the population from growing.
I worry more about the amount of dirt being taken up by graveyards. people and religion better get used to being burned to ashes.