for a month to a month and a half for intensive therapy sessions. My Doctor finally won over on AIG with the help of my Attorney and AIG finally approved Physical therapy, Pain management clinic, and Depression therapy all in one place. There is no internet there so I will not be in contact for a while, hopefully by mid-May.
I am actually looking forward to this very much because my shoulders are getting worse, week by week, even after my surgery on the right one. We are very concerned with all of the pain and lack of progress. It is so bad that sleep comes in 20 to 30 minute parcels all night long, rolling back and forth all night long, and considerable fatigue most of every day. All of this is contributing substantially to my mental state. A couple days ago I sat out in front of my trailer for hours thinking about letting Rita go to someone who can care for her better than I seem to be able to. I eventually shook myself out of it and realized how close I came to posting on Clist.
Anyway, I will be leaving around 1 p.m. PDT and don't expect to be back before May10th.
Until that time, I will check in here occasionally to say a few more "see ya laters" and will write again upon my return.
Peace and long rides,