Author Topic: Any Cub fans here?  (Read 5075 times)

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Offline mark

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Any Cub fans here?
« on: April 27, 2009, 11:47:22 PM »
I need another project like I need a hole in my head.

But I've wanted something small to play with for a while.

Saw this on craigslist last night.

Honda 50 Trail Bike - $100

This mid-sixties Honda 50 trail bike looks like it would be a good "project" bike or "parts" bike.

This belonged to my brother who recently passed away so I don't know much of the history.

Tires are in great shape. It's been stored inside. Looks like all the parts are there. There's even a key!

Asking $100

Please call if interested.

Called today and it was still there. He said someone came and looked but didn't take it. picky picky.

Plastic 'fairing' missing. Front fender cracked and badly fixed and cracked some more. 7000 miles showing.
Engine turns and has a few pounds compression. Muffler isn't rotten - looks ok anyway. Kickstart shaft broken - lever in the basket. Peeled off the seat cover that wasn't duct tape after all - 60% of the original cover still there. The knobbys aren't correct but hold air.

Serial C100 K039xxx  It's either a 1964 Japan model C100 or..... what?

Haven't seen anything this old this complete in a very long time.

Guess I'll try to scrounge up a kickstart shaft and a gasket set - maybe some rings even.

See what happens.

Happy trails.

1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline HondanutRider

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 05:57:24 AM »
Mark, don't know if you got this "project bike" or not, but they do make a great undertaking.  I restored one from worse condition than this one appears, and it turned-out lovely, I think.  You can find most everything for these things, if you are willing to accept new reproductions from the orient.  They still make and ride these things over there!

The C100 originally is what was imported in 1959 into the USA, and that version came with turnsignals.  It continued to be marketed that way, as a C100, in all other parts of the world, except that stateside it changed very shortly after to a CA100 model.  This version came without turnsignals, as DOT banned them on motorcycles for most of the 1960's.  The one you reference may either be an early version (It appears to have the "pointy" taillight, which was also replaced on the CA100 version to a larger set), or one from Canada.  Those "pointy" taillights stayed on our Canadian models for a longer time.  As well, many of the Cubs sold here were a 55cc version (as is mine) which was a bored-out 50cc version labeled as a C105.  The C105 was never sold stateside.  It was popular in Canada because it produced 5.0 HP vs the 4.5 of the 50cc model, and to use the "expressway" highways of the day in Ontario (then the newly-opened HWY 400 and 401) the vehicle had to have at least 5 HP.  :)

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 09:55:21 AM »
Cute little bugger. dang, looks like I'm missing the monkey too. Got a part # for that?

A great undertaking...... I kinda like that. never knew I'd be a great undertaker.

I actually found a couple of parts that weren't in Malaysia or Thailand, though most were.

They made 60,000,000 of the darn things.... 'rare' shouldn't apply here..... okay, so most of those didn't get the little pushrod motor.

It is most likely a U.S. spec CA100 .... no blinkers and the taillight looks like early 350/750 ... only 1/2 scale.

Found a thread somewhere... another guy with a serial in same range... and a link to the Japan model chart... typical.... if he ever found out what it was he didn't post the result.
I think I did a little better for the same price.

Also found a 'Yahoo Group' devoted to the little beast.... complete with a shop manual.
found my password after a few tries.

we shall see.........

Happy trails.

1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 09:48:02 AM »
And here I was thinking about baseball and Chicago. I love that town.

The "project bike" should be a good little toy for you mark.

Used to be a Trike builder around here who had an absolute LOVE for restoring these little guys. He died a couple years ago but I'll stop by and see if there are any parts left over.
'48 HD Panhead - Exxon Valdez
'78 CB550K - Fokker CB.3
'78 Honda CB750K - Mavrik
'80 Yamaha XS850G - Kanibalistik
09 XL883L - No Name

Offline myhondas

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 10:17:01 AM »

I jump on it if I were you. $100 for that is a great price.  I got mine for just under a grand. It is not in perfect shape but running.  You can get most parts from thailand and if you want to know the year of mfg...look on the wiring harness running down the main spine. pics attached

1974 CB 750 K4 SHOWROOM
1974 CB 750 K4 IN PART-OUT PROCESS (my original bike)
1965 C100 CUB 50 (PIT BIKE)
1996 VF 750 CD daily rider
1983 VF 1100 V65 Magna in restoration process
SOHC# 5105 11228

Offline hoodellyhoo

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 10:38:19 AM »
I am determined to one day own some variant of the cub. They have the perfect combination of efficiency, speed (goes more than 30mph), and looks (doesn't have tiny moped tires). Today I just saw an ad for a c70 for $450. Too bad I'm leaving in a little bit to blow almost all of my money on a car :-\

Anyone else see this new knock-off cub? Sounds like we might  get it here in 'merica. Betcha they'd sell a zillion of them.

I guess it's called the "symba"
1972 CB350F (Back from the Dead!)-
1965? S65 - Coming Eventually!
1972 CB750K2 (father-son project)
1976 CB750K6- (sold)
1976 CB750K6 (sold)-

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2009, 09:21:14 AM »
They say you learn something new every day......
yesterday was busy. learned a few somethings.

myhondas - Consider it jumped.
I've heard that the harness tag isn't always accurate.... s/n chart(attached) puts the production date on your machine between 2/65 and 5/65. maybe not perfect but looks pretty sharp anyway.

There is only one set of serial numbers and they all start C100... It would appear that the CA100 model designation is a creation of American Honda Sales. I found downloadable manuals and the 'Printed in Japan' all call it C100. The only reference to CA models is in literature printed in US by American Honda. Their CA102 parts list cross references old part numbers that almost all start C100.... Most 'new' numbers read xxxxx-001-xxx . 001 model is C100 . Service Honda fiche finder only shows a CA100 .

Might as well go with the rest of the world and say C100(US).

Havoc - that would be cool.... 'chef mark' can cook up great stuff out of leftovers.


$2600 for a Symba.... holy cow! That would cover a lot of parts.

Drained the nappy gas out of the tank - didn't see a speck of rust.

Pulled the carb off and scattered it into the dunk basket - a couple specks in the sediment bowl but no corrosion on the vitals. Didn't break the bowl cover gasket and the o-rings are all in the HF assortment. Carb rebuild should cost all of about 35¢.

I think I'll spring for a piston and rings - these look well worn.

A new fairing is waaaaay down the list.... but the air box looks weird sticking out by itself... but I have a nice round chrome air cleaner off a 5hp Briggs... the local hardware stocks filters at around $5 . Maybe I'll screw in a pair of those finny chrome tappet plugs.......

The spokes aren't rusty. The rims should polish up ok. not perfect but acceptable.

Some progress.

Happy trails.

1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline myhondas

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2009, 12:02:55 PM »
Hey cool Mark....glad to here that..... you'll have a great time fixing it up and riding it when you get it to that point. Where did you find that chart.... I missed that one..... I am in the process of getting a title for mine (bought on a bill of sale) I guess I'll need to change it from a 64 to a 65....

1974 CB 750 K4 SHOWROOM
1974 CB 750 K4 IN PART-OUT PROCESS (my original bike)
1965 C100 CUB 50 (PIT BIKE)
1996 VF 750 CD daily rider
1983 VF 1100 V65 Magna in restoration process
SOHC# 5105 11228

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2009, 01:11:37 PM »
The chart came from one of the Yahoo group pages.... either the classicpushrodhonda50s group linked above or the SuperCub50 group. Both require 'membership' to access the 'Files' page. Both have factory shop, parts, and owner's manuals posted in pdf format. One has better scans than the other but slightly different stuff - collect 'em all!


1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline Johnie

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2009, 05:25:04 PM »
My wife and son go see the Cubs at Wrigley every summer even though they live in Milwaukee Brewer county.  Oh, never mind... ;D
1970 CB750K0 - Candy Ruby Red
1973 CB750K3 - Candy Bacchus Olive or Sunflake Orange
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS396 - Cortez Silver
1976 GL1000 Sulphur Yellow

Oshkosh, WI  USA

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2009, 09:26:54 PM »
My wife and son go see the Cubs at Wrigley every summer even though they live in Milwaukee Brewer county.  Oh, never mind... ;D

That would have been an Open Forum topic anyway..... oh, by the way.....

GO   A's !

Anyhow, if it runs poorly, it isn't because of the carburetor.

It came out of the bucket squeaky clean.



1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2009, 12:30:57 AM »
More progress.....

My flebay toolkit showed up.

He didn't say what it fit but the bag looked right.

Nice shiny stuff that looks like a '60s time capsule - most haven't been used. Has correct axle nut wrenches and the right feeler gauge for the valves.

Cheap price due to funky description.

Ordered generic aftermarket piston kit - $17 from Rusty Riders...

MC piston shows up with OEM rings. Cool.

Correct 6N2-2A-3 battery not in stock but 6N2-2A-4 is in stock and $3 cheaper. Same battery without the fuse holder - blade fuse conversion ahead....

I'll probably work up a substitute for the old selenium rectifier while I'm messing with the electrics. A big diode like a 6A4 should do ..... a 35¢ part  - rated 6A @ 400V .... Cub alternator is rated for 1.5A @ 8000 rpm. with lights off.

Mark cheats:

dug around and found antique 'AMMCO Hydraulic Brake Cylinder Grinder' set - fancy little hone with rigid stones. Instructions said to use oversize pistons when removing .005"....

maybe $5 yard sale goodie....

figured it could probably take .010" out if it could do .005" - took a while but sure enough.

probably a better finish and fit than wherever I could take it around here.

The replacement starter spindle is on the way. With direct flights from Singapore to PDX I don't see shipping taking the whole 2 weeks quoted. we shall see.

Time to get some gaskets and such.

1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.


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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2009, 08:41:31 AM »
There was a '69 Honda Trail 70 on my local Craigslist a couple weeks back. $125. It was mostly complete.

I called moments after it was listed. Left a message and never got a call back. It was deleted off craigslist a couple hours later.

So either someone else bought it, or he wised up and put it on eBay.

I probably could have flipped it and made a couple hundred on eBay, but was more interested in restoring it. I'm amazed at the value some of these old minbikes bring.

Growing up we had a couple Honda Z50s from the late 60s early 70s. We basically gave/threw them away in the early 90s.

Man, that was stupid :(

Offline mark

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2009, 05:36:23 PM »
There was around a '79 CT70 on the local cl a couple months back. $100. Mostly complete. Sent an email and left a message on like Friday.... hung up on the machine a couple times Saturday...  Someone finally answers dam phone Monday.... "Sold it yesterday.".

There was a card in the mailbox that says I need to go to the post office on Tuesday to get a registered parcel from someone with an Asian name. must be that starter shaft.

'90-ish Chevy pickup provided a nice fuse holder for that blade fuse conversion:

1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: Any Cub fans here?
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2009, 09:09:35 AM »
Lookin good mark!!
'48 HD Panhead - Exxon Valdez
'78 CB550K - Fokker CB.3
'78 Honda CB750K - Mavrik
'80 Yamaha XS850G - Kanibalistik
09 XL883L - No Name