As mentioned I got this inherited 75 cb750 for my Dad, been sitting in the barn for a good 20 years. Went throught the carbs, burnished and re-set the points and verified the advance plate, all ok. I also change the oil. Just sand blasted the plugs for now. I was planning on replacing them and the points once I get it running. Remeber this bike is unmollested and all original. I put the carbs back together with everything being the same. All the idle mixtures were at 1 1/4 turns out.
I left the air box off to fire it up. It fired right up, it is a little cold blooded, but seems about the same as I remember some 25yrs ago when I rode it.
I took it for a short spin, no airbox... Big hesitation when you hammer it. Slow roll on it is ok. I know with out the box it should be on the lean side, but just would not have figured it to die.
Just wanted to ask before i put the airbox back on and find I got to take it off to adjust the carbs. Once again, new it would be lean, but just not that much.
Thanks in advance, Mike L