I'm back in Tampa, Sam was looking forward to another day of racing when I left Valdosta this morning.
I left Sam in the capable hands of his friend Jack, another dragbike racer from England (who just happens to have a rental car)
The last I heard, the plan was to rent a van and haul the 750 up to Boston.
Speaking of the 750a
Here is the pictorial view of Sam's one and only Qualifying run. The slowest allowable time is 18.99 so Sam was well in the running with a blazing 18.245 before the carb troubles.
You can see Sam with his Crew Chief Jack waiting in the queue.
Finally he moves up and graciously declines the burnout.
The officials position Sam at the start line.
Both Racers are ready, It is plain to see his opponent is worried when confronted with the awesome power of the 750A.
And there off.
Blinding acceleration as he makes his way to the finish.
Well maybe not so blinding, his opponent has already finished.
And he 's still going.
There we have it. Sam 18.245 opponent 9.494 (In my opinion Sam was still the winner)
And here he is after a successfull Qualifying run, to bad the bike didn't hold up for the races.
The official time sheet (Sam on the right)
Thats all for now. More pictures later.