75+ ..
?? I got mine up to 110 last year...buddy beside me on his shadow,both had the same reading.....it might have had a little more,but it was kinda dark,so we chickened out.....
In top shape mine has pegged the speedo.
'79 cb650 speedos highest MPH reading is 120.
Non stock motor(bored, ported), non stock gearing(16/39) and a 130/90-17 rear tire.
They will take it, just not long.
But thats the thrill partly...
But 2nd will do 65, so whats that saying about me?
I love 10krpm?
And taking it within your riding limits is best for you, the bike, and the cleanup crews/EMT's.
I pushed it hard 2 ort 3 times(top speed)... and i'm well and happy with having done it, but it scared the holly jebusus outta me too. Wouldn't do it again unless on a track though.