Very sad news.
I’ll pray for him and the family tonight.
I used to think that this kind of stuff do not happens in places like NZ.
I’m not exactly a cop, but a Federal Judge here in Brazil.
Worked in some real hot spots here, including the border zone with Paraguay and Argentina.
Did you watch Miami Vice? That’s that place I’m talking about.
There I heard of Alcaida much before the 11/9, since we did a lot of financial surveillance of “funds” coming from and going to USA, Europe, and places like, well, I cant talk about the “suspects” places.
And the amount of drugs that go trough that region is almost unbelievable.
Shootouts and dead people are an almost common place.
But I used to like to believe that there were some places in the world where those sh….. do not happens, and Australia and New Zeland where one of those places.
Sad you guys have to go trough these situations too, and again, I will pray for the cop and family tonight, as I always do when one of “ours” die.